ALL PARTY PARLIAMENTARY PIGEON RACING GROUP As you will be aware the All Party Parliamentary Group for pigeon racing has been set up to raise awareness of our sport and support proposed solutions to the ongoing issues our sport has to endure. Please take the time to complete the enclosed letter to your relevant MP to encourage them to join the APPG. The more elected members on the group the better chance we have of achieving our aims and objectives. To assist, a list of MP’s is also included – simply enter the name of your relevant MP into the address, sign and post     All-Party-Parliamentary-Pigeon-Racing-Group

← Irish Permits info - RPRA 2018/ Vac List/Ring List/Rules etc - →

About the author

Willie Reynolds

Covering the sport in Ireland for several years, scribe for both BHW & RP and a number of local newspapers including the News Letter (Farming Life Supplement) each Wednesday. Secretary of Ballymena & District for a number of years and currently PO for the Mighty NIPA & INFC. Watch out for the many articles/news items penned by HOMER.

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