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On the 23rd of June 2022 many federations in Ireland were in St Malo France, the birds were released at 6.15 am with fanciers dreaming that they would be crowned the Miller Gold Cup winner and
Well last week we had one of the most testing and endurance races of the season as we had our French Open race from St Malo also competing for the MILLER GOLD CUP 2021. This is
Hip hip hooray the Miller Gold Cup is winging it’s way to the Arklow United RPC partnership of Cullen, Burke & O’Reilly The partnership are the provisional winners of this prestigious award from yesterday’s Saint Malo
The Annual presentation of awards night for the Ulster Federation will take place on Friday 2nd March, the venue will be the Beechlawn Hotel in Dunmurray. As usual the presentation will include the famous Millar Gold
A meeting of all the Irish Organizations was held in the NIPA office in Dromore on Tuesday to discuss and investigate the St Malo race, reports from this meeting will follow. REPORT on the meeting above.
We are running a bit of research on the above highly prized award, 1st IHU bird in the seasons Blue Riband OB Derby usually from France. Bob in his year had the only bird on the