Hall of Champions ...
If you are the owner of a champion bird and believe your bird deserves recognition for it's wins - then email us a photograph of the bird, it's strain or bloodlines and it's winning results and we will display your bird for you in the Hall of True Champions please E-Mail homerbhw@gmail.com
Click Here To View Hall Of True Champions
Ron-Ville- Millennium Superstar

Probably the best sprint pigeon in the world!
1st Open 22,585 birds (Nenagh) in Ireland, 1st Open 22,889 birds (Mallow) in Ireland, 1st Open 23,767 birds (Tramore) in Ireland
2nd Open 24,105 birds (Wexford) in Ireland (beaten by two loft mates) 16th Open 20,699 birds (Arklow) in Ireland Other open positions were also won by champion Ron-Ville-Millennium Superstar.
Winning four R.P.R.A. awards in one season racing as follows:
1st R.P.R.A. Irish region 0 – 250 miles sprint champion; 1st R.P.R.A. Irish region Any Distance Champion; 1st R.P.R.A. National 0 – 250 miles champion (United Kingdom); 1st R.P.R.A. National Any distance champion (United Kingdom). Ron- Ville-Millennium Superstar also won the Selby Thomas Trophy for the 0 – 250 national sprint champion of the United Kingdom and the Tony Comwall trophy for the Any distance National champion of the United Kingdom.
The 3 x 1st Opens won by Ron- Ville-Millennium Superstar were won three weeks in a row from three different race points.
No other pigeon in the history of the N.I.P.A. has ever won the open three times, never mind three in a row. What a Champion!
Click Here To View Hall Of True Champions
Ron-Ville- Millennium Superstar

Probably the best sprint pigeon in the world!
1st Open 22,585 birds (Nenagh) in Ireland, 1st Open 22,889 birds (Mallow) in Ireland, 1st Open 23,767 birds (Tramore) in Ireland
2nd Open 24,105 birds (Wexford) in Ireland (beaten by two loft mates) 16th Open 20,699 birds (Arklow) in Ireland Other open positions were also won by champion Ron-Ville-Millennium Superstar.
Winning four R.P.R.A. awards in one season racing as follows:
1st R.P.R.A. Irish region 0 – 250 miles sprint champion; 1st R.P.R.A. Irish region Any Distance Champion; 1st R.P.R.A. National 0 – 250 miles champion (United Kingdom); 1st R.P.R.A. National Any distance champion (United Kingdom). Ron- Ville-Millennium Superstar also won the Selby Thomas Trophy for the 0 – 250 national sprint champion of the United Kingdom and the Tony Comwall trophy for the Any distance National champion of the United Kingdom.
The 3 x 1st Opens won by Ron- Ville-Millennium Superstar were won three weeks in a row from three different race points.
No other pigeon in the history of the N.I.P.A. has ever won the open three times, never mind three in a row. What a Champion!
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