Prize Night 2018/2019 -

Based in the North West the Secretary is John Edgar. 23 Ballywatt Road, Coleraine, Co Londonderry. BT52 2LT. Tel: (028) 20 732765. All the latest news and results will be published here.
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willie reynolds
Posts: 7194
Joined: Sun Nov 09, 2008 4:44 pm

Prize Night 2018/2019 -

Post by willie reynolds »

Northern Ireland Show Racer Society held there annual presentation night on Saturday at Ballymoney Football club thank you to them for the use of the club and to everyone who supported us Iris's Farmhouse Cuisine & Team for the great meal they served To Mrs Louise Bissett from Scotland for presenting the trophies, congratulations to all the prize winners also thanks go to you the members who show and turn up when needed thanks.

Results are as follows:
Best Old Bird John Edgar. Best Young Bird Ann Wiggins. Best Yearling Bird Robert Wiggins. Best Colour Ann Mary Wigan. Best Racer W&N William Gilbert. Reserve Best Racer D & G McMullan. N. I. S. R. S Fancier of The Year John Edgar. Champion Show-racer John Edgar. Best International Show racer Tommy Rouke. Best Young Fancier Miss Daisy McMullan. Achievement Award Curtis Tweed. Club Person of the Year Ann Wiggins.

Thank you to John McNeill from Antrim for presenting the Andy McCook Memorial Trophy to John Edgar, it’s a pleasure to have win this trophy this year I wish everyone a great breeding season and I look forward to seeing see you all in Show Season. John Edgar PO.

Cups and Trophies for the Show Season.

John Edgar.

Tommy Rouke.

D & G McMullan.

Daisy McMullan.

Ann Wiggins.

Curtis Tweed.
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