Pre Racing 2014 update -

New NIPA Press Officer – I would like to inform everyone that I have been newly elected as Press Officer for the NIPA and will be covering Sections C, D, F and G in the NIPA in this forthcoming season 2024. I kindly ask for all the Club Secretaries or race Secretaries within these sections to get in contact with me highlighting their club and contact details for the future publication of results, loft reports and any other information for publication. I would loke to take this opportunity to wish everyone the best of luck and good health in 2024. I am very privileged to be taking on this esteemed role and I can’t wait to get up and running. Jordan Hughes. "Journey’s End” NIPA Press Officer. Mobile: 07713 808554, E-mail:
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willie reynolds
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Joined: Sun Nov 09, 2008 4:44 pm

Pre Racing 2014 update -

Post by willie reynolds »

Journey’s End
with Jordan Hughes


The N.I.P.A. Had a meeting on Thursday 21st of March at 7:30PM. Just to confirm through business before the upcoming season commences.
The members took their seats for the meeting to commence. Apologies were read to start, with a special mention to Mr Jim Ramsey the N.I.P.A. Race Controller. Who recently had a bad accident at home. Jim was in the Royal Hospital Trauma Wing not long ago and is recovering extremely well and was in great spirits when I visited. Best Wishes to Jim in a speedy recovery. And best wishes also to Ronnie Williamson who also was recently in hospital. Best Wishes to Ron in a speedy recovery.
Afterwards Minutes from the last meeting was read proceeding to the agenda for the night.
The Race Programme was finalised for the 2024 Season with the amendment of the Proposed First race being scrapped from Navan with the new starting date as from Kilbeggan on the 20th of April.
The NIPA have increased the costs of crates for the upcoming season, Inland Races being £12 per crate and Channel Races at £14 per crate.

2024 N.I.P.A. Old Bird Race Programme
Kilbeggan 20/04
Kilbeggan 27/04
Roscrea 04/05
Fermoy 11/05
Fermoy 18/05
Skibbereen OB National 25/05
Fermoy 25/05
Dale 01/06
Dale 08/06
Fermoy 5 Bird 08/06
Bude 15/06
Skibbereen Yearling National 15/06
Penzance 22/06
Fermoy 22/06
St Malo / Plougastel 28/06 ( Friday )

There is a possibility that some of the above Fermoy Races may be substituted for a new Liberation Point in St Patricks Well (if permission to liberate is granted.)

2024 N.I.P.A. Young Bird Race Programme
Kilbeggan 20/07
Kilbeggan 27/07
Roscrea 03/08
Roscrea 10/08
Fermoy 17/08
Fermoy & 5 bird 24/08
Dale YB National 31/08
Roscrea 31/08
Fermoy 07/09
Skibbereen YB National 14/09

As with the old bird programme some Fermoy Yb races may be substituted with St Patricks Well (If permission is granted)

Corrigs & District H.P.S.
Corrigs & District HPS recently held their AGM and 2023 prize giving at their clubrooms in Newcastle at the end of January.
Picture is Charlie Mc Manus winner of the NIPA Old Bird St Malo Derby Cup with Robert Shaw top prize winner, winning the INFC Old Bird St. Allouestre National Cup, the INFC Young Bird National Cup, The INFC Yearling National Cup and the Shaw Cup for Best Average all INFC Old Bird, Yearling and Young Bird National.
The Corrigs members once again had another excellent 2023 season with some top Open and Section positions being won both in the INFC and NIPA in the Young Bird, Yearling and Old Bird Nationals. Some of the top results achieved throughout the season include:-

INFC Young Bird Penzance National
Robert Shaw 13th Open, 12th North Section & 137th North section
C McManus 56th Open, 50th North Section

INFC Saint Malo Friendship National
James Cleland 31st Open, 27th North Section & 45th Open 41st Section
W. B. Shaw 44th Open, 40th North Section
C McManus 101st Open, 92nd North Section
Robert Shaw 103rd Open, 94th North Section

INFC St. Allouestre King’s Cup Old Bird National
Robert Shaw 62nd Open 52nd North Section

INFC Penzance Yearling National
Robert Shaw 77th Open, 57th North Section ; 98th Open 75th North Section, 154th Open 120th North Section ; 250th Open, 205th North Section
P Brown & Son 128th Open, 99th North Section
Pritchard Bros 150th Open, 116th North Section

NIPA Young Bird Dale National
Stephen & Andrew Foster 1st Section F
Robert Shaw 2nd , 3rd & 5th Section F

NIPA Young Bird Skibbereen National
Toner Bros 3rd Section F

NIPA St Malo Old Bird National
C McManus 7th Open, 1st Section F

Congratulations to all the members of Corrigs & District H.P.S. who had a super season with top performances at Open and Section Level. Best of luck to all in the 2024 Season no doubt their will be many Corrigs members featured in my upcoming reports.

Charity Auctions
As we all are fully aware of the generosity there is in the Pigeon Sport, with huge donations being made to various charities and causes over the years. Whether it be Donating birds towards a Auction or purchasing of birds from these charity auctions it goes a long way. Over the off season there was many different charity auctions organised to mention a few

I.N.F.C. Charity Show
The annual I.N.F.C. Charity Show is held every year in Lisburn with the very top performers from that season’s birds being auctioned to charitable causes. This year it was a great success with a total of £12,000 being raised for numerous charities and causes. The Money raised was spread out over as many charities possible. A big thank you to all who donated and supported the sale it is much appreciated.
Marie Curie - £2000
N.I Hospice - £2000
Save Our Heart - £2000
City Hospital Friends - £1000
Forthill Int. - £1000
Almost There - £1000
Air Ambulance - £1000
M. Weir Dicta - £1000
McMillan Nurses - £1000

Big Thank you to all involved and supported the I.N.F.C. Charity Sale

Childrens Hospice N.I. Charity Auction
Just recently the Pigeon Partners website held an online Charity Auction for the Childrens Hospice Northern Ireland. Yet again another worthy cause with a great support as always from the pigeon fraternity. Well done to Don Smyth for organising a great selection of birds for a worthy cause.
Just a few lines to say thank you to each and every fancier who donated yb or bought ybs in the charity auction for the Children's Hospice N.I. It was a great success and I hope to know very soon how much was raised in total. This would not have been possible without the support of the donors and those who bought the ybs. I am eternally grateful to each and every one of you that supported the charity auction as once again pigeon fanciers have shown that they are as generous and genuine as anyone when it comes to supporting a very worthwhile charity and cause. You can all be proud of yourselves and I wish everyone a very successful years racing in 2024. There will be an update soon and hopefully a bit of publicity for our sport very soon. Thank you again. ‘Don Smyth’

Downs & Proud Online Charity Auction
A current charity online auction that has just started being organised by Alan Larkin for Downs & Proud. A super cause that means a lot to him and his family, a self funded cause that helps all families and friends. Here is a great opportunity to pick up top bloodlines from the best while also supporting this great cause. From Alan - ‘Hello all, I hope breeding and preparation for the upcoming season are going well. Last year I organised, with your very kind and generous help a young bird sale to benefit a local charity that is very close to my heart, Down's & Proud I am holding another one this year with your help. As a lot of my friends know my youngest son Joseph, was born with an extra chromosome which signified Downs Syndrome. From his birthday, we and other families in the area have been supported by Downs and Proud with advice and friendship. They guide our children from toddlers to young adulthood with weekly speech therapy, singing and dancing lessons, football and other sporting events, cinema days and the highlight a two week summer scheme where all the children get to associate with their peers, do activities, have music therapy amongst other things and culminating in a fabulous day trip to local attractions, fun park, open farms.
Last year’s sale was a fantastic success and really took a lot of pressure off the charity which is self funded by the members with quiz nights, bag packs, coffee mornings etc. Our big fundraiser is on April 20th Downs and Proud day. The sale will start on Sunday the 14th of April cumulating on Saturday the 20th, it will run on The Winners North and South auction site thanks to Joe Ward.
I am truly humbled by the support and kind donations that my friends in the world of pigeon racing have given, for that I thank you, and am in your debt.

There will be 45 lots going live at 12.00pm Sunday the 14th of April and the auction will run until Saturday the 20th of April where the first 20 lots will finish at 20.00 and the remaining lots will finish at 21.00.
If you would like to donate to Downs and Proud as some already have you can use the PayPal account.
Once again, I thank you all for the support, and happy bidding!
Many thanks,
Alan Larkin

Well done to all involved in the above charity auctions, from the organisers to the donators and bidders. Yet again the Pigeon Fraternity here and across the globe has been as generous as ever. I’'s only right to help and give these auctions the publicity it deserves as I feel personally many people outside of the sport don’t even realise the generosity that the Pigeon Fanciers have raised for numerous charities right through the years.

Finally with the new Season upon us, the excitement is building for the start of the N.I.P.A. Season. Would like to wish you all an enjoyable and successful 2024 Season.

Yours in Sport, Jordan Hughes N.I.P.A. Press Officer

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