Liberations w/e 18/05/24 -

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willie reynolds
Posts: 7194
Joined: Sun Nov 09, 2008 4:44 pm

Liberations w/e 18/05/24 -

Post by willie reynolds »

Tuesday 14/05/24

East Coast Fed (Dublin) A change in racepoint this week, It will be from Pilmore Beach. Des Murray PO.

Thursday 16/05/24

The President of the NIPA has asked me to post the following , to quell any rumours that are out there , racing the weekend of 25 May weather permitting , will be from the racepoints of Skibbereen and Fermoy.

Nipa 2nd Fermoy O/B - The NIPA will race mark as normal on Friday for a possible release in Fermoy on Saturday.

Ulster Federation will hamper Friday night for a possible race from Fermoy on Saturday.

East Down Combine will hamper as planned tomorrow night for the Skibbereen Classic on Saturday.

There seems to be some confusion regarding the IHUNFC race programme ( Channel) among members and observers alike.
Due to a change in circumstances regarding transport, the channel programme now starts on June 1st from Dale, followed on the 8th June from Penzance, then, on the 15th June Penzance Old Bird and Yearling National, and the Final race for Old Birds will be from St Malo on June 28th. Hope this post helps to clear up the situation. Francis Corcoran PO.

Friday 17/05/24

Ulster federation Tonight's turn out 72 members plus 6 non members sent a total of 1929 birds to fermoy I would like to wish you all the very best for tomorrow's race. Lee Wilson.

Saturday 18th May 2024

Nipa 2nd Fermoy NIPA Office18 May 2024 - The NIPA are in Fermoy for the 2nd occasion where a liberation will not take place before 11Am , I will update the site around 11 o’clock. Thanks Fred.

Conditions on route from Skibbereen are not suitable for a liberation at present. Next Update around 10.30am. Dorothy Smyth EDC PO.

ECF Dublin - Weather is improving looking at a liberation for around 11:30-12:00 will update again just after 11 o’clock.

NIPA 2nd Fermoy - No decision on a liberation at present, weather at the release point is fine but the Midlands are preventing a lib. I will.update around 1.00pm. Fred Russell.

Ulster Fed liberation in Fermoy will be 12.30. Sharon Flood.

The East Down Combine have liberated in Skibbereen at 11.45am in a northerly wind.

NIPA - The race controller has stated he intends to liberate in Fermoy at 1.30 pm, I will update with confirmation when I receive it.

The NIPA have released in Fermoy at 1.30pm in a light N/Nwest wind and your birds cleared well.

9,000 Irish South Road Fed birds will be liberated at 3.00pm in Pilmore Beach in a North wind.
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