April 2014 Update -

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willie reynolds
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Joined: Sun Nov 09, 2008 4:44 pm

April 2014 Update -

Post by willie reynolds »

April 28th

All is well in the loft, the birds look a picture and we have them flying very well, we do have 70 younger ones which are being nursed into our system, on Friday we had four very nice youngsters of the perfect age sent over from Paul & Jane Newbold of P.J Lofts, then yesterday we picked up four absolute crackers from Rod Bain up in Inverness, Rod is a really nice bloke, he has some terrific pigeons with no expense being spared and only buying from the top lofts, Rod has some top class Daniel Ariens birds, I wonder if any of these four are Ariens, we have more birds on the way from Ireland and a few more to collect on Wednesday.

Until Next Time Remember He Who Dares Wins

April 22nd

Another good weekend, the birds are performing superb, nothing could be better, the C team will going out with the A & B teams on Wednesday, the D team of which many are still squeaking have now flown out from the basket and through the traps 4 days running excluding Saturday, so to-day we pushed them a stage further, they went out through the aviary door and all came back in through the traps, they will get two more days of this then we will move them on again, the E team have had their 3 day of going through the traps by hand, the health of all the birds is superb, you can collect the dropping with your fingers, so nothing at the moment to worry about lets hope this is a sign of whats to come.

We picked up 8 absolute cracking youngsters from Dylan & Daniel Boylan from Dublin, I can personally vouch for the quality of birds in the Boylans loft, these guys have purchased the best from Holland and purchased some top class birds from Pipa, thes 8 youngsters are a credit to the partnership, to-day my friend Anthony Pywell bought along two beauties, bred in the purple, some 4 years ago Tony was 2nd in our federation Grand National race from Falaise, well fanciers it won't be long now before the doors are closed and we can really get to work, we still have fanciers who have paid deposits but not yet sent in there entries.

Until Next Time Remember He Who Dares Wins

April 17th

Hi, a great couple of days around the loft, on Tuesday i was visited by Ralph Jepson from Selston, Ralph is Treasurer of our federation and a major player in everything the federation does, he is also secretary of Selston FC which for me is the best club I have come across in England, Ralph runs a tight ship so to speak and everyone has to get involved when loading the transporter, we are talking about a club here which sends on average 500 birds per race, this day and age there isn't many which send that sort of birdage, we do have towns and villages with two or possibly three clubs which if this was one club would send in excess of 500 birds per race, but we all know why this will never happen, some cannot win so off they go and start another club always ensuring the best cannot get in, Ralph bought along a beautiful young blue hen of perfect age for the Sundaynighters syndicate, on Wednesday I was visited by Mr Truszkowski one of the partners in the C&T syndicate, although being relatively new to the sport this guy was very enthusiastic and a nice chap to have a conversation with, the four birds he bought were again absolute crackers and again the perfect age, a real credit to the breeders, also G&R Couriers picked up birds from the ACE syndicate from Liverpool, these four beauties were from Lloyd,Moran&Healy who are top top flyers in Liverpool, the partnership have some outstanding birds, all these birds were put through the traps and never faulted.

The A & B team flew over 2 hours both yesterday and to-day, remember these birds are only getting an ounce of corn per pigeon, I have now started to push the C team, they are ready to go, I am confident that weather permitting by next Wednesday all these birds will be flying with the A & B Team but I will not let them out with the others until they are going on their own, we don't want the A & B team pulling back. Phil Rawson from Shirebrook came along this morning to pick up his ETS clock, Phil is one of the gentlemen of our sport and a top flyer, he is a fancier who will help anyone and has given away some brilliant pigeons, Phil has four entries in the race, he went down to have a look at the birds and commented on what outstanding condition they are in.

Its our federations first race of the 2014 season on Saturday, I have noticed to-day a change in the wind, it has turned around to the North and the forecast is for East North East on Saturday, be careful fanciers, when the winds in the East the birds fly the least, remember its a long season, be patient, don't knock the edge off your birds before they have got going, last night I took our new driver and convoyer around on a dummy run, in 2014 we have our new transporter, Tommy Wainwright has done a brilliant job with the fabrication work, plenty of attention to the finer details, I tested the watering system again to-day and everything is brilliant.

Until Next Time Remember He Who Dares Wins

April 14th

I hope everyone had a good race on Saturday, the weather was good although it was pretty cold in Derbyshire but the day was clear, on Sunday we had more visitors Max Hawthorne from Lutterworth bought along his four very nice entries, also birds was picked up from Scotland & down in Dorset, all the birds were in the loft at 9.00am, the four birds sent by the Scotties syndicate from Edinbrough are very well reared and the perfect age, birds from dorset was from none other than John Halstead the darkness man, I remember many years ago buying Johns video the Darkness system, it was brilliant, John has put up some superb performances from over the channel there is no doubting the quality of pigeons house down at Kington Magna, I would like to add what a really nice chap John is he always has time to speak and has always supported anything we have organised.

The birds yesterday were put through their paces, we did have a few from the D team which hesitated going through the traps, but for this team it was their first time being tested, I was visited by one of my fellow club mates and an entrant into this race Stuart Bellamy, Stuart came to collect his ETS clock, he witnessed the condition of the birds and his words was brilliant, Stuart has all his four entries in the A team, to-day none of the D team hesitated they all trapped like stones, the corn tin is the gaffer, at our One Loft every bird gets the same treatment, we don't throw squeakers in with older birds hoping they will follow doing this they learn nothing, well the forecast up until Thursday appears to be good so we will be at the birds constant.

Until Next Time Remember He Who Dares Wins Smile

April 11th

Another good day, more entries from sunny North Wales, Mr Puckle of the Strawberry Mill syndicate sent over 4 very nice squeakers again of perfect age, the last two of Jos Reillys Team Ireland birds came over yesterday, credit again to Jos two more beautiful youngsters.

The birds have really enjoyed the sunshine lay basking in the flights, the new entries have all been through the traps, what I call D squad have passed their next test, I have now put C & B squad together and I am sure they will be joining the A squad by the middle of next week, so all in all things are going well, but now is the time to be extra careful, the birds will not be let out tomorrow due to most clubs having started racing, a nice days rest won't hurt the birds, I will however put all the new entries through the traps by hand, i hope you all have a good race tomorrow, my own federation start next week.

Until Next Time Remember He Who Dares Wins

April 10th

Busy,Busy,Busy….. I visited Raf Herbots on Tuesday, droppings were taken from every section, good news, no worm,or cocci just a slight bit of canker, Raf prescribed a one dose medication and all birds were treated on Wednesday, comments were again made to-day how well the birds look, the Wigstonians bought along their four entries, again the squeakers were in excellent condition and the perfect age credit to the breeders, then echo warriors bought two of their four entries again very nice. In the loft the birds are continuing to do what is asked of them, I will start to put more pressure on the older ones after the next 2 weeks, the venture birds have really shaped up very nice and I am very pleased with our choices, Rob has picked up more entries from the Emerald Isle to-day, they will be in the loft at 9.00am tomorrow, we will assign all the birds on May 3rd and a full list will be posted.

April 5th

Another good day, the birds are performing superb doing just what we ask of them, the first to visit us to-day all the way from Essex was Gary Squibb and his son who are the owners of Planet Brothers, there is no doubting they are probably the most famous name in the world to-day associated to the Van Loon family, this stud houses the best Van Loon's in the world thats a fact, the 4 youngsters which I put in the loft was shear class, a perfect age and very well reared, I must give a mention to gary's wife for the expert correspondence, the paper work and Pedigree's are immaculate, next to bring along three of their four entries was the Sundaynighters ( the selston mafia ), Alan Hallsworth and Brian Evans bought along the syndicates entries, the maestro Ralph Jepson is taking a well deserved holiday and the fourth entry will be here early next week, again the three birds were a perfect age and in superb condition, more birds are arriving tomorrow from more top lofts, the class in this race is second to no other.

Until Next Time Remember He Who Dares Wins

April 4th

A great day to-day, all the birds have done their duties, the SAS syndicate bought along their reserve pigeon, a little cracker, also an entry from the east coast the only one to date, Allan Wright of ATM Lofts, their is no doubting the class of pigeons that Allan houses his results on the North Road are fantastic, the 3 pigeons he has entered are class. I am going over to Herbots on Tuesday, i will be taking dropping samples from every section, this will be done every month until the second hot spot race, you can never be to careful with youngsters.

Until Next Time Remember He Who Dares Wins Smile

April 3rd

Not a lot to report, the weather has been appalling, its been very misty for the last couple of days, only the latest arrivals have been worked with, all have been put through the traps, we are not prepared to take unnecessary chances with your birds, at the moment they are here to enjoy life, with the birds being in the aviaries all day they are getting their bearings so it is not so important that we have not been able to exercise them, I remember a couple of years ago when I was working 14 hour shifts some 7 days a week in the mines, our youngsters never went out until their eyes had changed, some were gone for hours but we never dropped one, that year we had our best ever young bird season so it just goes to show, whilst they are in the aviaries they are getting their bearings. We had a few more birds arrive to-day, 2 more from the over the hill gang, 2 more from Mr Hull of Preston this makes up his team and another from the M & B syndicate, all 5 squeakers are the perfect age and are absolute quality, well done to the breeders.

Until Next Time Remember He Who Dares Wins Smile

April 1st

Another good day to-day, all the birds did what they had to do, I travelled to Manchester at 4.00am this morning arriving at Fairhome Lofts the home of Mr Dougie Johnson a real nice guy, I have know Dougie a couple of years, he always uses our courier service, after collecting the birds it was straight home, I took the birds off the Dark at 9.00am, Dougies birds was vaccinated and in the loft by 9.10am, we also picked up four very nice youngsters yesterday from Sunnyfield Lofts the home of Mr Lol Riedel from Pontefract, I know Lol only through his clubs purchases of TauRIS ETS but if his youngsters are anything to go by then he certainly breeds a good youngster, all the youngsters have again been basking in the sun and look very content, just a short note keeping you informed of what is going on.

Until Next Time Remember He Who Dares Wins Smile
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