Scribe with RP - From next week

New scribe to cover Northern Ireland, all the news reports here plus all the info on his Charity Sales.
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willie reynolds
Posts: 7060
Joined: Sun Nov 09, 2008 4:44 pm

Scribe with RP - From next week

Post by willie reynolds »

Morning folks hope everyone is well... Im pleased to announce as from next week onwards i will be scribing independantly for "The RP" under "Flying start with Ross Kelly" if you dont already get this weekly magazine i hope you will start and order it from next week onwards and support me by giving me feedback on my first year as a scribe. As well as that i have now joined forces with Graham Walker and another few successful fanciers of our sport in starting a new business venture within the next couple of months so keep your eyes focused on my page for more information to follow.
Dont forget to forward onto me your Club, Fed, NIPA and ISRF results after each race to be published on the social media sites along with keeping me informed on who deserves the publicity they have not received for the past few years, im going out of my way to help you the fancier by giving those the credit they truly deserve.
To be successful in life you have to be passionate and dedicated in what you do...
"Get out there and chase your dreams folks"
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