May Update 2015 -

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willie reynolds
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May Update 2015 -

Post by willie reynolds »

27th May

The last two days weather wise has been superb, yesterday the older birds really flew well and I thought how good they went but to-day they smashed it they raced in all four directions we had a kit of 50 or so which flew constant for 2 hours, the younger birds are also feeling their feet with approx 170 flying an hour, we have now split the loft into two teams the older team consists of 265 and the other team 309 birds, I expect all the birds in the loft to be doing an hour plus come the back end of next week, each day more and more are taking to the skies so we are confident we are on the right track and all is going well, the health of the birds is superb, we are putting Vanrobaeys Cider Vinegar in the water just 2 days a week, the birds have improved unbelievable since we gave them a second injection, yes I know this is costly but all who know us will appreciate that at this loft we don’t cut corners what the birds require they get and that is the key to success, myself and Annette were discussing the loft and how things have progressed in just 1 year, for e.g the web site 100% improvement, our own transporter, the Prize Money if you were to finish 20th you still win £200.00 not bad at all, remember the £49,000 Prize Money is Guaranteed and from as little as just 500 fully paid entries, that’s all for now enjoy your birds don’t worry for now all is going superb.

Until Next Time Remember Who Dares Wins Gary,Annette & Rob

25th May

The birds were rested Saturday and Sunday due to races taking place with hundreds of birds coming over the loft, to-day they performed fantastic the droppings are superb you could clean out with your hands no need for a scraper, the older birds are now starting to range which is a sign they are feeling their feet, the birds are really starting to body up some are still getting rid of their coats as they should on the dark system but June the 6th cannot come soon enough for me this is when they come off the darkness and the work does start, however we will go steady for 3 or 4 days whilst they adjust to not having the loft darkened, not much more to report at the moment.

Until Next Time Remember Who Dares Wins Gary,Annette & Rob

19th May

The weather has been pretty misrubble the last 2 days, Monday was a total wash out it rained really heavy until 3.00pm then it was very nice but by this time it is too late to have the youngsters out because they are darkened at 5.00pm, to-day we did get all the birds out between the showers and they performed well so we are quiet happy with things, we are continuing to concentrate on the latest bunch, we need these up to speed and on par with the others asap, we have again increased the feed and added chopped peanuts and the magic oil so lets see them shine over the next week.

Until Next Time Remember Who Dares Wins Gary,Annette & Rob

17th May

It was a really busy day yesterday, all the birds were given a once over and vaccinated for a second time, swabs were took from various birds plus droppings from every section, well you can relax there was just a slight bit of canker showing but nothing which would effect a healthy bird however we will flock treat all birds starting Wednesday with a recommended product, to-day it has been very overcast we rested the two older teams but put the younger birds through their paces, as I write this the time is 4.30pm and we have just 1 bird to get in through the traps so all looks good.

Until Next Time Remember Who Dares Wins Gary,Annette & Rob

15th May

What a week it has been absolutely brilliant, the weather has been O.K so the birds have been out every day most are really starting to perform, we have a kit of about 50 in the second team which fly well over an hour these birds go sky high which usually is a sign that we have predators but there are none to be seen, we have had visitors this week who can witness how we have the birds trapping, thats what you get when you have spent hours on end training the youngsters there is only one access way into the loft, we don’t allow any birds to go onto the grass, if they are not in the sky then they are in the loft, things are now starting to move forward but it won’t be until the birds come off the darkness that we really show them what is expected, I myself hate the darkness and I am no a big fan but if you want to compete then you must have birds on the darkness, our race program is tough so the birds need a vital full wing at the least, because remember our final is not a land race its from across the water the toughest test of all, liberated on their own so they need every advantage possible, tomorrow the birds will be caught one by one and given a full MOT, not much more to report, enjoy your weekend and relax enjoy your racing.

Until Next Time Remember Who Dares Wins Gary,Annette & Rob

7th May

The weather has been atrocious the last few days very strong winds and heavy rain so not a great deal of action, however we have assigned the remainder of the birds so its all systems go yes every bird in the loft has been allocated their ETS ring, to-day in between the showers we did get the birds out and the older ones flew hard, the middle group are also starting to hit the skies and feel their feet so its all good, we hope to have the younger ones doing their stuff by the middle of next week but we need the weather hit and miss is no good, we need continuity birds out everyday.

Until Next Time Remember Who Dares Wins Gary,Annette & Rob

3rd May

Well not a great lot to report, everything is going great and things could not be better, we did have a couple of casualties on Thursday, one young hen hit the but of her wing and punctured it, my thoughts are she will not race this year so I informed the owners and they have sent in a replacement bird, the second went off colour on Tuesday, although I gave it some magic potion it did not come right so I culled it and informed the owners they have also sent a replacement bird so both have full teams again. I will be concentrating on the latest intake of youngsters over the next week, we intend to assign them all and then its test 2 for these once they have completed this its all systems go. If anyone want to view the race program click on results and select current results.

I would also like to clarify and stop any rumours regarding the Prize Money………… unlike others all our entered birds are activated so the Prize Money quoted is guaranteed, this money is in a separate bank account just waiting to be paid out £49,000 is what you are racing for as promised, also we pay 100% of all Pools NO Admin charges deducted its your money and it goes 100% back to you, this is what sets us aside and makes Who Dares Wins the One Loft race to be in.

Until Next Time Remember Who Dares Wins Gary,Annette & Rob
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