Wexford Premier RPC – Racing Into The Future!

Why Join the Wexford Premier RPC?
When asked about their opinions on the club one fancier said 'Probably the cheapest racing around' while another described it as 'Racing for the Recession'. There are No Federation Fees. Our racing is Inter Club Racing. A member can individually join the Wexford Premier RPC or if you are already in a club and you have 5 members you can apply to race with us under your own club name.
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willie reynolds
Posts: 6832
Joined: Sun Nov 09, 2008 4:44 pm

Wexford Premier RPC – Racing Into The Future!

Post by willie reynolds »

Wexford Premier RPC – Racing Into The Future!

The Wexford Premier Racing Pigeon Club is a new club starting this year racing on the South Road and across Channel. A new website has been set up http://www.wexfordpremier.com where all the details and lots of pictures/videos can be seen. It is great for the club to have such an accomplished trustworthy team of officials and members on board. The officials are a delightful blend of youth and experience with an assortment of skills that work as a team and are extremely enthusiastic about this exciting new club. They aim is to assist fanciers to enjoy their pigeons for as fair a price as possible without cutting corners. The club will be aiming to promote itself and its member’s lofts to fanciers worldwide and provide a quality service for its fanciers and make the Wexford Premier Racing Pigeon Club one that its members are proud to be a part of.

Officials of the club


Secretary/ Treasurer: Thomas Hore (pictured above)
Thomas Hore was born into the sport of pigeon racing as his mother and father Willie and Mary Hore were pigeon fanciers as was his grandfather. Thomas has recently graduated from collage with a Degree in Business/Marketing and can combine this with his experience and love of the sport when carrying out his role for the club. Thomas has been attending meetings, functions and many other events in relation to the sport since he could walk and through these experiences knows exactly what the role involves and what to expect from the various types of characters that are involved in the beautiful sport of Pigeon Racing. The Hore family have raced with considerable success at all levels of competition on both the North road and South road. Thomas's parents have tasted national success on both roads highlights being 1st Open Yearling national from Strathaven in Scotland on North Road and 2nd Open INFC Y/B national from Skibbereen also winning a car on the South Road.
Thomas is no stranger to success, some of his recent performances include:
1st Open INFC Old Bird National 2011
1st Open IHU Old Bird National 2012
1st Open Old Bird Derby 2011
2nd & 3rd Open INFC Old Bird National 2013

Chairman and Convoyer: Dave Hills (pictured above)

Dave Hills is another fancier whose experience in the sport bares no limits. On top of being a very successful racer Dave has held many positions in the administrative side of the sport in many different organisations both in Ireland and the UK. When is comes to convoying pigeons he has quite an impressive CV. Dave has previously been a convoyer for the following organisations liberating pigeons in England, Ireland, France and Spain.

- Solent Federation
- Central Southern Classic
- London & South East Classic Club
- Middlesex Federation
- Dorset Federation
- Wilkshire Federation
- Assisted SMT Combine
- Assisted Three Borders Fed


The club has a host of large cups, crystal and other awards and sponsorship prizes to be flown for by its members in the 2015 season that no doubt the winners will be extremely delighted to win. All races are sponsored with prizes.

Above: Cups to be flown for in the 2015 season.


The Wexford Premier RPC has its own Transporter which has been purchased to be used by the club for the first time in the 2015 season. The transporter has 60 traditional wooden crates which some fanciers prefer as they believe the metal type crates can have different problems at different times (i.e. : too warm, too cold, some say they can create moisture etc). The transporter is fitted with extractor fans in the roof to remove the stale air exhaled by the birds to allow it to be replaced by fresh air for the birds. The threat of birds picking up sickness, viruses etc, from the drinking water (The dreaded Young Bird sickness and all the other illness's that fanciers have nightmares about) is drastically reduced as each crate has a separate individual drinker on it. If birds are healthy and all in a crate together they should not pick up any illness's from other fanciers birds from the drinking system as they cannot get near their drinking water. This type of drinking system is very different to some transporters with communal drinking systems where a couple of hundred birds are all drinking from the same drinker.

Above: Front View of the transporter

Above: Side View of the transporter

Above: Side View of the transporter with Curtains Closed.

Why Join the Wexford Premier RPC?

When considering joining a new club fanciers will think, what better will I be for it? What are they doing differently than the club I am currently a member of ? How much does it cost? Will I save money? and Why should I join? Hopefully the following part of this article will answer all these questions and any other that you may have.
When asked about their opinions on the club one fancier said ‘Probably the cheapest racing around' while another described it as ‘Racing for the Recession'.
There are No Federation Fees. The racing is Inter Club Racing. A member can individually join the Wexford Premier RPC or if you are already in a club and you have 5 members you can apply to race with us under your own club name.
If your club doesn't facilitate you (marking your birds, checking your clock etc.) the Wexford Premier will race mark your birds and check your clock for you in Wexford and do all possible to help you.

The amount of €€€€'s saved by racing with the Wexford Premier is definitely worth considering. Previously the yearly cost (everything included Subs etc,) of racing based on racing 20 races is one of two options, the first costs almost €700 and the second costs over €500. Racing with the Wexford Premier RPC will only cost the member €100 subscription and €5 per race which is a total cost of only €200 saving members up to €500 per season.

Previously the weekly cost to race is at least €13, not including Corn nominations, declared to win etc, which would make it €21 or more per member per race. (Based on 20 races a total of €420). Members racing with the Wexford Premier RPC only have to pay €5 per race which is a quarter of the price. This means you can save up to €16 per week and get 4 weeks racing with the Wexford Premier for the price of 1 elsewhere. If you race 20 races saving €16 per week you will have a total save of €320 per season. Some fanciers may not want to save money which is perfectly ok if you have a spare couple of hundred euro lying about, but nowadays a lot of families don't and times are very hard and everyone needs all they can get. A saving of a couple of hundred euro can make a big difference and be a big help. It can help you to pay things like Water Charges, Household Tax, Car Tax/Insurance, Refuse Charges, School Fees and it could buy a lot of corn to feed fanciers pigeons for a season.
If your main ambition is to be successful at channel racing and you only use inland racing to train your birds and get them fit well then the Wexford Premier RPC is perfect for you. We will be racing from the same inland race points, in the same conditions, at similar liberation times, at the same weekends as other feds but you will have the benefit of cheaper fees and more money in your pocket. All for only €100 per member.

The Wexford Premier will be organising our own Channel races from Wales and England which will cost members much less when compared with other organisations. Others charge birdage of €1, €2 up to €5 per bird, the total cost racing channel racing with the Wexford RPC per channel races is only €7 per member with free birdage. It doesn't matter if you send 1 bird or 100.

It doesn't matter if you are already a member of another club. You can be a member of as many clubs as you want.

Results will be published on at least 8 of the most popular pigeon websites available after every race.

Result and articles of every race will be published in the weekly pigeon magazines.

Members birds will be transported to National race marking for their convenience.

Birds will be cared for by very experienced convoyers.

Drastically reduced chances of your birds picking up any disease’s from the drinking water which is very important and beneficial in the young bird season.

Water on transporter will be replenished several times before every liberation to encourage all birds to drink.

All liberations will be captured on video to ensure members know that their pigeons were well looked after, watered and liberated in the appropriate and best conditions possible.

Free notification of liberation times and updates for all races.

All pools, nominations etc are completely optional and no member is compelled to pay for them.

The winners of the Champion Old bird and Champion Young bird will both receive a professionally produced photo of their winner.

The Champion Old bird loft and Champion Young bird loft will both have a personal loft report compiled about them and published & promoted in the fancy press.

The club believes in the prestige of winning and the promotion and publicity of its fanciers based on their performances.

The club will be holding its own Presentation Night to congratulate, applaud and admire the great performances put up by its members throughout the season.

The club will be running a series of shows in the show season.

ETS rings will be assigned for members without any hassle and free of charge, and all rings when assigned will be returned to the owner all individually enveloped with the ring number of the ring written on the envelope so that it is a lot easier to find a ring when they are being clicked on to the pigeon instead of a bundle of 40 or 50 rings and no idea of what is what.

INFC and IHU NFC races will be incorporated into the Wexford Premier RPC's race programme. The Wexford Premier RPC believe National races are the highlight of the season and should be supported by all.

The Wexford Premier RPC’s goal is to provide a top quality service and to help fanciers to enjoy their pigeons for as fair a price as possible without cutting corners. The club will be aiming to promote its member’s lofts to fanciers worldwide and make the Wexford Premier Racing Pigeon Club one that its members are proud to be a part of.

Remember, there are:
No Federation Fees
No Birdage Charges
No Compulsory Pools or Nominations
No Compulsory Prize money Charges.
No Lib Line Costs
No ETS Charges
No Weekly Charges or payments all year round.
Save up to €16 per race
Save up to €700 per season
All races are sponsored with prizes to be awarded to fanciers for every race.

If you would like to be a part of all this in 2015 please get in contact with us. Members are now being accepted from Wexford, Enniscorthy, New Ross, Gorey, Fethard, Bunclody etc. (All of County Wexford). Areas outside County Wexford will be considered if space is available. Don’t delay join today. You can contact us from our contacts page on our new website http://www.wexfordpremier.com or by contacting any of the officials directly.

Club Fundraising Auction.

The club recently had an online fundraising auction on the pigeonchat website and the members would like to say a big thank you to all the fanciers from the Ireland, Northern Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales who donated birds and made donations to the club. We were overwhelmed with the response as over 100 different fanciers donated birds and money to the club which shows the great support that the club is getting from far and near. The auction was a huge success and the club made over €10,000.
A special thank you also to Jeanette Taylor whose help was greatly appreciated and the auction couldn't have taken place without her. The auction was a great success and never in our wildest dreams did we think it would be so successful. Also thank you very much to all those who bought birds in the auction and we hope you all breed and race many winners from your purchases.

On behalf of myself and all the members of the Wexford Premier Racing Pigeon Club, thank you all very, very much.

Thomas Hore
Wexford Premier RPC
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