The newly formed Wexford Premier Racing Pigeon Club had its first ever race sponsored by Ropa Store on the 2nd May from Pilmore Beach when 11 members sent 326 birds. The birds were liberated at 10am into a Southerly wind. The lofts of Dempsey & O Keefe wrote themselves into the record books as the first ever race winners in this new club. They also set a record in taking the first seven positions. The winning velocity was 1788.254. Peters winning pigeon is a Louis Cooreman and was bred by Terry Markwick from Dunoon Scotland. His winners of 2nd and 3rd were also Louis Coorman but these were sourced from Jimmy & Richard Hamilton New Ross Wexford. 8th went to Thomas Hore, 9th Willie & Mary Hore and 10th went to Dempsey & O Keefe.
Section Winners:
Arklow section 1st Dempsey & O Keefe.
Wexford Section 1st Thomas Hore
New Ross Section 1st John Power

Above: 1st Pilmore Beach winner Peter Dempsey with his prizes sponsored by Ropa Store.

Above: John Power 1st New Ross Section winner from Kinsale
The clubs second race sponsored by Ropa Store took place on 9th May from Kinsale when 12 members entered 295 birds which were liberated at 11am into a West North Westerly wind. Taking 1st & 2nd prize in this race was Thomas Hore on velocities of 1624 and 1620. 3rd & 4th prize was won by Mary Hore. 5th, 6th & 7th went to Liam & Dylan Whitmore and 8th, 9th and 10th was won by Dylan Whitmore.
Section Winners:
Wexford Section 1st Thomas Hore
New Ross Section 1st Patrick Murphy
Gorey Section 1st Mick O Toole
Arklow Section 1st Dempsey & O Keefe.

Above: 1st Kinsale winner Thomas Hore with his prizes sponsored by Ropa Store.
The clubs third race sponsored by Ropa Store took place on 16th May from Rosscarbery when 13 members entered 310 birds which were liberated at 11:45am into a West North Westerly wind. 1st Prize in this race was won by the clubs youngest member Dylan Whitmore on a velocity of 1735.641. Dylans winning pigeon a grizzle hen was bred from birds which were very kindly gifted to him by the top partnership of Mantle Brothers (Paul & Dave) from Buxton, Derbyshire. 2nd & 3rd was won by L & D Whitmore, Dylan Whitmore also won 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th. 8th went to Mary Hore and 9th & 10th was won by Thomas Hore.
Section Winners:
Wexford Section 1st Dylan Whitmore
New Ross Section 1st Patrick Murphy
Gorey Section 1st Mick O Toole
Arklow Section 1st Dempsey & O Keefe.

Above: 1st Rosscarbery winner Dylan Whitmore with his prizes sponsored by Ropa Store

Above: Some of the Wexford Premier members with their transporter at the race marking of their first ever race from Pilmore Beach on 2nd May

Above: Birds being liberated in Pilmore Beach on 2nd May