1965 Kings Cup - R McKnight & Son

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willie reynolds
Posts: 7146
Joined: Sun Nov 09, 2008 4:44 pm

1965 Kings Cup - R McKnight & Son

Post by willie reynolds »

R McKnight and Son, Banbridge, Velocity 1105 ypm from Nantes, 1965.


R.McKnight of Kipike, Ireland.
\" Old Faithfull \" Blue Chequer Cock - Bred in 1960.

As a Y/B raced to Wexford ( 140 miles ).
As a yearling raced to Penzance ( 300 miles )
As a 2 year old timed in from St. Malo ( 420 miles )
As a 3 year old timed in from Les Sables ( 540 miles ) winning 1st. Open Bann Valley 2 - bird club and 5th. Open I.N.F.C.
As a 4 year old timed in from Nantes.
As a 5 year old timed in from Nantes ( 536 miles ) winning 1st.Open Bann Valley 2 - bird club and 1st. Open I.N.F.C.after 14 and half hours on the wing. Winning the King\'s Cup.

Breed of bird was Putman/ Stanhope / Thoroughgood.
His loft was only 10\' x 6\' and wintered only 18 birds. He never paired up until March.
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