AGM in Glenavy - 10/02/18

The NIPA was founded in 1945 and it's membership was open to all members within Northern Ireland - We are one of the largest weekly convoying organisations in the UK. Presently we have approx. 100 clubs as members, with over 2,000 members. Birds competing each week can reach 25 to 30 thousand, depending on the race. The race programme starts in Ireland down to Rosscarbery and continues through Wales & England to Penzance, and the Premier OB Nat flown from St Malo (France).
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willie reynolds
Posts: 6810
Joined: Sun Nov 09, 2008 4:44 pm

AGM in Glenavy - 10/02/18

Post by willie reynolds »

Marathon Agenda for the NIPA –

A smaller than usual attendance of Delegates to the 73rd AGM for the NIPA were made welcome to the Protestant Hall in Glenavy on Saturday 10th February by Chairman Ken Wilkinson. He firstly asked the members to stand and observe a moments silence for those members and friends who had passed away since the previous meeting, the list included Patron Lyndon Boyle who until poor health had served the NIPA for many years. The Secretary Fred Russell was invited to read the minutes of the previous AGM, these were passed with no matters arising, as was the Secretary Report and Accounts copies of which had been distributed to local clubs earlier in the year.

For the election of officers for 2018 it was a final season in office for Robert Reid of Carrickfergus and he handed over the chain of office to Sammy Briggs from Lisburn representing Sect D. Robert thanked the members for all their help and support during his two year term in office and wished the new President well. Sam Briggs was asked to conduct the election of officers for 2018 and was assisted by Fred Russell and Robert Reid. Most of the rest were elected as year previous, with some small adjustments.

The new Patron Sammy Thompson (Coleraine & County Derry) had been endorsed at a previous meeting and the post was confirmed. President Sammy Briggs (Lisburn & Dist), Senior Vice President for Sect E Davy Mawhinney (Beechpark Social). Life Vice-Presidents are A McDonnell (Coleraine Prem), D Carson (Banbridge HPS), M Livingstone (Portadown & Drumcree), O Donnelly (Larne & Dist), H McVeigh (Killyleagh), V Thom (Cookstown), H Boyd (Coalisland), A Darragh (Cullybackey) and R Reid (Carrick & District).

Chairman Ken Wilkinson (New Antrim), Vice Chairman P McLaughlin (Maiden City), Financial Secretary F Russell (Dromore WE), Assistant Secretary G McEvoy (Beechpark Soc), Fleet Supervisor Paul Howard (Coleraine), Convoyer Pat McNeice (Annaghmore), Race Controller Jim Ramsey Derry & District) assisted by K Wilkinson, G Hughes and F Russell. Press Officers W Reynolds (Ballymena & Dist), and S McGarry (Horseshoe). RPRA Delegates – C O’Hare (Ballyholland), F Russell (Dromore WE). Auditors Robinson & Co (Portadown).

The Finance & General Purposes Management Committee were elected, a few positions will have to be confirmed at later Sect Meetings. The following were returned.

Sect A – H Boyd (Dungannon), J Hanson (Coleraine Prem). Sect B – K Wilkinson (New Antrim), G Magill (Muckamore), G McDowell (Kells & Dist), K Kernohan (Harryville). Sect C – W McClelland (Doagh & Dist), D Campbell (Eastway), G Robinson (Carrick Soc), W Seaton (Ligoniel). Sect D – J Conlane (Kingswood), A Houston (Lisburn & Dist), J McCready (Lisburn & Dist). Sect E – K Henderson (Lurgan Soc), J Parr (Edgarstown), S Corrigan (Loughgall). Sect F – P Murray (Killyleagh), V Pollock (Ards). Sect G – B Durkin (Newry), G Delaney (Ashfield). Sect H – P McLoughlin (Maiden City), D Simpson (Londonderry), J Ramsey (Derry & Dist).

Prior to voting on the Resolutions a point was raised regarding items ruled Out of Order were to be referred back to the Club/Section giving them the opportunity to put same in order. This would go back to the Committee for further discussion and a number of other points were brought up as various Resolutions were brought forward. It was not possible to have a full floor discussion as clubs have already voted and Delegates Mandated and the Agenda always states No discussion on Resolutions. No doubt all matters raised have been noted and will get further discussion at Committee, remember the reason for so many items on the AGM Agenda was to help get the Rule Book in order and make thing fair for the total membership. Most items carried on the vote.

Resolution number one Amend General Rule 12 to read - Any member or partnership who wins the Nipa Open or Section by a velocity of 50 yards or greater from the next competitor in any Irish Race their result will be investigated by the NIPA. Carried - For 59, against 2.

Resolution number Two Amend General Rule 13b to read - If as a result of an investigation by the Nipa Committee into a club result, it is found that the club has not adhered to or carried out RPRA and NIPA Rules, the Club and all its Members will be Suspended from Racing/Competing with the Nipa for a number of races as decided by the NIPA Committee. Carried - For 58, against 9.

Resolution number Three Amend General Rule 26 and 62 to read - The Race Controller/Convoyer be given full authority to liberate at whatever time they deem necessary for birds to clear incoming or outgoing weather systems or extreme heat conditions and that no liberation of young birds take place after 2.00pm. Carried - For 54, against 2.

Resolution Number 3a Delete General Rule 62 in its entirety. Withdrawn.

Resolution number Four Amend General Rule 30 to read - All Members competing in National, Classic and Championship Races will duplicate from the Nipa into their respective club`s and must fill in a verification card or an ETS printout at the Centre for the purpose of club result`s. Carried - For 66, against 0.

Resolution number Five Delete General Rules 34, 34a, and 35 in their entirety and replace with a new Rule 34. That before race marking commences all club`s must ensure that there are at least 5 NIPA members present before race marking commences and throughout the race marking procedure. The 5 Nipa member`s must all have separate IR numbers and these will have to be recorded on the Transport envelope and forwarded via the Transporter to the NIPA Headquarters. Failure to comply with this rule in its entirety will mean disqualification from this race. Carried - For 64, against 0.

Resolution number Six Delete General rule 39 in its entirety and replace with a new General Rule 39 to read. - That in old bird racing each member`s pigeons must be spread as evenly as possible over all the competing crates being sent by the club. In Young bird races a member is permitted to have their own crates for the First seven IRISH RACES ONLY, the remainder of races you are not permitted your own crate under any circumstances. In all old and young bird Nationals, Classic, Championship and five birds races, member`s must ensure that all their pigeons are spread evenly over all the crates being used by the club or centres. Carried - For 65, against 2.
Resolution number Seven Delete General Rule 43 in its entirety and replace with a new rule 43

The Nipa Section Champion Fancier of the Year will be split into three categories OLD BIRD INLAND, OLD BIRD CHANNEL, AND YOUNG BIRD PROGRAMME with the exception of any area liberations. The award will be calculated on Total Time and Distance flown, you will have to time in all the designated races in any one of the categories to win this award. Carried - For 47, against 17.

Resolution number Eight Delete General rule 68 in its entirety. Carried - For 41, against 17.

Resolution number Nine Amend general rule 72 to read. – If a Saturday liberation is deemed not possible, preference be given to the day with the best forecast for a possible race. Carried - For 63, against 3.
Resolution Number Ten amend General rule 59 to read - In all NIPA open Races, winning pigeons will be drug tested within one day. Refusal to allow a test will mean automatic disqualification and may entail suspension. Pigeons will be drug tested at the discretion of the committee. Carried - For 64, against 2.

Resolution number Eleven Introduce a new rule 77 for a payment plan to pay for club crates every four weeks in one cheque. Carried - For 67, against 2.
Resolution Number Twelve Amend Race Rule Number Seven to read - All crates must be secured in all races by using three RPRA seals and with twine purchased or approved by the Nipa, all crates must be labelled stating the Club Name, Date of Race and Race Point. Failure to comply will result in the club being disqualified from the race. Carried - For 61, against 2.

Resolution Number Thirteen submitted by the NIPA Committee
Any member making malicious statements or using social media regarding the Nipa its officials/committee members or club member and subsequently found to be incorrect, shall be brought before the Committee and if found to be guilty shall be suspended for a period of time as determined by the Committee. Carried - For 55, against 11.

Resolution Number Fourteen submitted by the NIPA Committee Add the following to Race Rules
The make and serial number of ETS club system`s and clock`s must be registered with the NIPA. No unregistered system will be allowed to be used for any race flown under NIPA rules. Carried - For 55, against 11.
Resolution Number Fifteen Submitted by the NIPA Committee - That the General committee or Secretary reserve the right to send representatives to oversee race marking, clock setting or any other procedure they wish to observe at affiliated club`s. Any objection for the visit from the club will result in pigeon`s not being transported that week. Carried - For 55, against 0.

Resolution Number Sixteen Submitted by the NIPA Committee - All club`s in the NIPA MUST verify all winning pigeons before the final result is submitted to the NIPA. Failure to do so will mean automatic disqualification from the race. Carried - For 56, against 7.

Resolution Number Seventeen Add a new Race Rule 16. All birds must be entered in the NIPA Open. Carried - For 59, against 4.

Resolution Number Eighteen Submitted by Section F club`s. - In ALL Classic and National Races, All Section F Members must race mark their pigeons in the Section Centre. Sect vote Carried - For 3, against 2.

Resolution Number nineteen Submitted by Section C Delegates to Delete General Rule 3a and replace with a new rule 3a.
The delegates representation shall be one delegate for club`s with a membership of up to 12 member`s. Two delegates for club`s with a membership of 13 to 24. Three delegates for club`s with a membership of 25 and above. The representation of club`s shall be based on the previous year`s membership list. Withdrawn.

Resolution Number 20 Submitted by Section C Delegates - The NIPA Finance, Transport and general purpose Management Committee shall be made up of elected section representatives; one delegate for every 40 Section Members. Withdrawn.
Resolution Number 21 Submitted by Section E Delegates Ruled out of order by the Chairman of the NIPA. Passed back to NIPA Committee.

Resolution 21a Submitted by Section E Delegates Add a new general rule 3h. The Co-ordinator for each section shall have the authority to select an NIPA Member, who is a member of that section, to carry out the normal running of the Section Centre when required to do so. Carried - For 59, against 4.

Resolution Number 22 Submitted by the Section B Delegates
Add a new General Rule 39a. - That in the Fermoy Young Bird and Fermoy 5 Bird all birds transported by the NIPA to be spread evenly over all the club crates. Failure to comply with this rule, members will automatically be disqualified from these races. Not on Agenda.

Resolution Number 22a Insert a new General Rule which states - At Club Race Marking and checking nights only one ETS per brand be used for both entry and arrival process in any club race. Carried - For 44, against 17.
Resolution Number 22b - To discontinue with Area Liberations in Young Bird Racing and revert back to Mass Liberations. Lost – For 25, against 34.
Resolution Number 22c Insert a new General Rule Which States - Members Assignment sheets for both OB & YB must be printed from a registered Nipa Club Equipment for the Season, a copy to be sent and retained in the Nipa headquarters for ring verification purposes. Carried - For 40, against 18.

Resolution Number 23 Insert a new General Rule - To re-introduce the NIPA 3 Bird Channel Championship Club. Carried - For 44, against 13.

The next Committee Meeting was arranged for Tuesday 13th February and I hope to report on that, no doubt a lot will be carried forward from the AGM and the race programme needs set. There were a number of items raised at the meeting and I was not able to catch them all, hopefully I hear more at Committee. The Patron, President, Vice President and Vice Chairman are new into post, congratulations to Fred Russell who sets out on his 40th season as NIPA Secretary, some changes over that time.

Outgoing President Robert Reid (r) hands over the chain of office to Sammy Briggs.
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