Bude - Sunday 12/06/22

The East Down Combine was formed in 1967 and caters for pigeons fanciers within the County of Down in Northern Ireland. There are currently 22 clubs with approx 200 members sending a birdage of up to 5,000 pigeons each week. The Combine is currently spilt into 2 Section with a line running North to South creating an East to West Section. The membership currently race for 40 Open positions and 20 Section positions on a weekly basis. The Combine is affiliated to The Irish Homing Union Regulating and Promoting the Sport of Pigeon Racing in Ireland since 1895. Click here for all the latest news and results from the East Down Combine. Weekly reports penned by Clifford Browne.
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willie reynolds
Posts: 7184
Joined: Sun Nov 09, 2008 4:44 pm

Bude - Sunday 12/06/22

Post by willie reynolds »

Mark Foulis has Fourth Open win -this time Bude

For the third Channel race the East Down Combine birds were in Bude in Cornwall and once again the weather had the final say on when a liberation could take place so with unsuitable weather on Saturday June 11th the birds were held over until Sunday 12th and were away at 7.30am into a WNW wind .

What a great season Dundonald’s Mark Foulis is having , recording his 4th Open winner of the season this one on 1221ypm , The Bangor partnership of Jim Burgess & Danny Brennan are also having a brilliant Old Bird season and take 2nd and 3rd open with two birds together and they are followed by Annalong’s John Trimble along with his grandson and this is another loft consistently near the top week by week as is the Newtownbreda partnership of I & A Cousins and M. Albert who finish at 5th Open with John Kirk & son of Ballylesson at 6th Open . This week again the West section top the Open but then it is three birds into the East section and the result Open section and nominated was :

BUDE OLD BIRD RACE 12th June 2022
82 members sent 724 birds,
East Section 46members sent 377 birds; West Section 36 members sent 347 birds.
Liberated at 7:30 am in a West North-West wind
Objections in writing to the Secretary within 7 days of publication

1 W1 M Foulis Dundonald HPS 1221.412 A B £41.50
2 E1 Burgess & Brennan Bangor RPC 1211.821
3 E2 Burgess & Brennan Bangor RPC 1210.632
4 E3 J Trimble & G/Son Annalong HPS 1208.786
5 W2 I & A Cousins & M Albert Newtownbreda HPS 1200.825
6 W3 J Kirk & Son Ballylesson HPS 1178.007 A B £29.88
7 E4 D Shaw Bangor RPC 1170.518
8 W4 Myles, Kincaid, McCann & Auld Dundonald HPS 1168.623
9 E5 Ambrose & Kelly Portavogie HPS 1154.093
10 W5 J Patterson Ballylesson HPS 1150.929 A B £23.24
11 E6 C & H Cully Cloughey HPS 1150.881
12 E7 C & H Cully Cloughey HPS 1149.945
13 E8 Ambrose & Kelly Portavogie HPS 1149.393
14 W6 M Foulis Dundonald HPS 1142.842 A B £16.60
15 E9 G Hawthorne Millisle & District HPS 1142.820
16 W7 Cowan & McCartney Dundonald HPS 1141.084
17 W8 Mr & Mrs S Brown & Son Dundonald HPS 1140.341 A B £13.28
18 E10 Harper & Young Cloughey HPS 1139.870
19 W9 Messrs T McConnell & G Young Dundonald HPS 1138.191
20 E11 Messrs Burgess & Brennan Bangor RPC 1136.158
21 E12 D Shaw Bangor RPC 1131.667 A B £8.30
22 E13 K. Rooney, Son & Dtr Annalong HPS 1122.243
23 E14 J Trimble & G/Son Annalong HPS 1121.412 A £3.80
24 W10 J McGreevy Crossgar HPS 1117.339
25 E15 R Russell & Son Bangor RPC 1116.044
26 W11 Cowan & McCartney Dundonald HPS 1114.239
27 W12 S McLoughlin Crossgar HPS 1108.265 A B £8.30
28 E16 Messrs Burgess & Brennan Bangor RPC 1103.518
29 E17 G Lyttle Comber Social HPS 1101.480 A £3.80
30 W13 Mr & Mrs S Brown & Son Dundonald HPS 1099.880
31 E18 D Shaw Bangor RPC 1097.723
32 W14 Cowan & McCartney Dundonald HPS 1097.707
33 E19 J Crossan Downpatrick Premier 1094.974
34 W15 Myles, Kincaid, McCann & Auld Dundonald HPS 1094.747 A B £8.30
35 W16 M Foulis Dundonald HPS 1094.692 B £4.50
36 W17 B Anderson Belmont 1094.271
37 W18 Cowan & McCartney Dundonald HPS 1094.194
38 W19 C & D Smyth & Sons Ballylesson HPS 1093.869
39 W20 Messrs Mackey & Lockhart Ballylesson HPS 1093.573 B £4.50
40 - P & C Johnston Ballylesson HPS 1091.933
41 E20 J Crossan Downpatrick Premier 1089.543

Open (Nominated)
Position Member Club Velocity Points
1 M Foulis
IHU20N03163 Dundonald HPS 1221.4 20
2 J Trimble & G/Son
GB21R02166 Annalong HPS 1208.7 19
3 I & A Cousins & M Albert
IHU2020N08073 Newtownbreda HPS 1200.8 18
4 J Kirk & Son
IHU20N08125 Ballylesson HPS 1178.0 17
5 D Shaw
IHU20N05036 Bangor RPC 1170.5 16
6 Myles,Kincaid,McCann & Auld;
GB19D28901 Dundonald HPS 1168.6 15
7 Ambrose & Kelly
IHU20N15641 Portavogie HPS 1154.0 14
8 Ambrose & Kelly
IHU21N19310 Portavogie HPS 1149.3 -
9 M Foulis
GB20D32283 Dundonald HPS 1142.8 -
10 Cowan & McCartney
IHU20N03037 Dundonald HPS 1141.0 13
11 Mr & Mrs S Brown & Son
IHU19N04637 Dundonald HPS 1140.3 12
12 T McConnell & G Young
IHU20N03514 Dundonald HPS 1138.1 11
13 D Shaw
IHU19N10969 Bangor RPC 1131.6 -
14 J Trimble & G/Son
IHU21N16725 Annalong HPS 1121.4 -
15 G Lyttle
IHU20N07511 Comber Social HPS 1101.4 10
16 Myles,Kincaid,McCann & Auld;
GB20D32195 Dundonald HPS 1094.7 -
17 M Foulis
GB19A29151 Dundonald HPS 1094.6 -
18 A Crawford
GB18H34739 Ballylesson HPS 1089.2 9
19 A&A Cheevers
IHU20N11150 Crossgar HPS 1086.5 8
20 Mr & Mrs S Brown & Son
IHU20N03298 Dundonald HPS 1085.1 -

East (Nominated)
Position Member Club Velocity Points
1 J Trimble & G/Son
GB21R02166 Annalong HPS 1208.78 10
2 D Shaw
IHU20N05036 Bangor RPC 1170.51 9
3 Ambrose & Kelly
IHU20N15641 Portavogie HPS 1154.09 8
4 Ambrose & Kelly
IHU21N19310 Portavogie HPS 1149.39 -
5 D Shaw
IHU19N10969 Bangor RPC 1131.66 -
6 J Trimble & G/Son
IHU21N16725 Annalong HPS 1121.41 -
7 G Lyttle
IHU20N07511 Comber Social HPS 1101.48 7
8 J Keenan & Sons
IHU21N19615 Portavogie HPS 1073.57 6
9 Ambrose & Kelly
IHU21N19307 Portavogie HPS 1047.50 -
10 S & K Duke
IHU19N06826 Crossgar HPS 1039.94 5

West (Nominated)
Position Member Club Velocity Points
1 M Foulis
IHU20N03163 Dundonald HPS 1221.4 10
2 I & A Cousins & M Albert
IHU2020N08073 Newtownbreda HPS 1200.8 9
3 J Kirk & Son
IHU20N08125 Ballylesson HPS 1178.0 8
4 Myles,Kincaid,McCann & Auld;
GB19D28901 Dundonald HPS 1168.6 7
5 M Foulis
GB20D32283 Dundonald HPS 1142.8 -
6 Cowan & McCartney
IHU20N03037 Dundonald HPS 1141.0 6
7 Mr & Mrs S Brown & Son
IHU19N04637 Dundonald HPS 1140.3 5
8 T McConnell & G Young
IHU20N03514 Dundonald HPS 1138.1 4
9 Myles,Kincaid,McCann & Auld;
GB20D32195 Dundonald HPS 1094.7 -
10 M Foulis
GB19A29151 Dundonald HPS 1094.6 -

Around the Combine Clubs

Annalong J Trimble & G/Son GB21R02166 1208.786
K .Rooney,Son & Dtr 1122.243
J Trimble & G/Son IHU21N16725 1121.412

Annsborough G & P Brown 1080.131 , J Melville & Son 1034.287
G & P Brown 1019.353

Ballylesson 9 sent 90 1 J Kirk & Son IHU20N08125 1178.007
J Patterson 1150.929
C & D Smyth & Sons 1093.869

Ballynahinch C Lavery & Son 852.134

Ballywalter S Regan IHU20N13446 1007.371

Bangor Burgess & Brennan 1211.821 , Burgess & Brennan 1210.632
D Shaw IHU20N05036 1170.518

Belmont B Anderson 1094.271 , J Galbraith & Son GB20X28223 1040.276
R & J Conlane 1036.534

Cloughey C & H Cully 1150.881 , C & H Cully 1149.945
Harper & Young 1139.87

Comber 1 G Lyttle IHU20N07511 1101.48
W & L Robinson IHU20N07402 1069.986 W & L Robinson 1064.31

Crossgar J McGreevy 1117.339 , S McLoughlin 1108.265
A&A Cheevers IHU20N11150 1086.582

DownpatrickPremier J Crossan 1094.974 ,
J Crossan 1089.543 J Crossan IHU20N01407 919.227

Dundonald M Foulis IHU20N03163 1221.412
Myles,Kincaid,McCann & AuldGB19D28901 1168.623
M Foulis GB20D32283 1142.842

Dundrum S Foster Connor & Parry 994.996 , S Foster Connor & Parry 975.923
S Foster Connor & Parry 944.553

Killyleagh Central C J Healy 1061.093 , J & P Rice 959.41 , C J Healy 944.589

Millisle G Hawthorne 1142.82 , R Strain & Son 1059.55 ,R Strain & Son 991.87

Newtownbreda I & A Cousins & M Albert IHU2020N08073 1200.825
B Hogg & Sons 1086.093 , B Hogg & Sons 1063.102

Portavogie Ambrose & Kelly IHU20N15641 1154.093
Ambrose & Kelly IHU21N19310 1149.393
J Keenan & Sons IHU21N19615 1073.576

This week the Birds are in Penzance for the Penzance and Penzance classic races and because of the weather forecast for the week end the birds left on Wednesday night instead of Thursday for the possibility of a race on Friday results as usual to tel. no 028 9146 5273 or e-mail me at cliff.browne2@tiscali.co.uk. Or write to 29 West burn Crescent ,Bangor . BT20 3RN

Clifford Browne
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