Liberations w/e 12/08/23 -

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willie reynolds
Posts: 6832
Joined: Sun Nov 09, 2008 4:44 pm

Liberations w/e 12/08/23 -

Post by willie reynolds »

Tuesday 08/08/23

Ulster Federation update Folks as yous can see this weekend is not great weather wise but it's still early in the week at the moment we are thinking of having a Friday race I will update again tomorrow to let you all know what we are doing. Hopefully the weekend will improve.
Lee Wilson Secretary.

Wednesday 09/08/23

Ulster Federation update. Folks we are unable to get a race on Friday as we have no driver available we have been working closely with Paddy Cullen to try and get another drive to take us but unfortunately we have not been successful in doing so. we are now focusing on a race for the weekend at the minute Saturday is a no go and we are hoping Sunday will improve. I will update you all again soon to let you know what we are doing sorry for any inconvenience. Lee Wilson.

Roscrea NIPA 9 August 2023
The NIPA will race mark tomorrow Thursday for a possible release in Roscrea on Friday. Would all Secretaries please ensure that their 4 week transportation payments are put on the transporters in the proper envelopes. Also would any trophy holders please get them returned to the office by this weekend as they need to go to the engravers. Fred Russell NIPA Secretary.

Thursday 10/08/23

Marking on Friday for a race on Saturday normal marking times and pickup times Henry Byrne.

East Coast Fed (Dublin) marking for Castletown on Friday.

EDC weather committee have deferred decision on race marking until Friday morning.

Friday 11/08/23

The Ulster Federation will hamper Saturday night for a race from Tullamore on Sunday same pick ups as last week. Lee Wilson.

Nipa Roscrea Liberation

The NIPA have released in Roscrea at 8.00am on a light to fresh Southerly wind, the birds cleared very well.

The EDC will hamper tonight as scheduled for a race from Tullamore on Saturday. Dorothy Smyth PO.

Saturday 12/08/23

EDC Tullamore - Conditions at the race point are good and improving on route Liberation is likely around 09.30am.

The East Down Combine have Liberated in Tullamore at 10.10am in a South West Wind.

Irish SR Federation and ECF released Castletown at 12.00.

Sunday 13/08/23

Ulster Federation We have let go in Tullamore at 8.45am good luck to you all today. Lee Wilson.
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