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Liberations w/e 09/09/23

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2023 8:22 am
by willie reynolds
Wednesday 6th September 2023

Fermoy NIPA Office6 September 2023Uncategorised
The NIPA race controller has decided to race mark Thursday 7th for a possible release on Fermoy on Friday.
Please be aware that this weeks Fermoy is a collection point collection.

Would all clubs take note that this is the final 4 week payment this week please forward your payments in the transport envelopes at your collection this week, thanks.

Also any Southern crates in your club rooms please use them so they can be on transporter for returning South thanking you all for your assistance.

Ulster Federation update Folks we will hamper tomorrow night Thursday for a race from fermoy on Friday. My apologies for the late update on this race we had to make sure we had everything in place to get the birds down the road. I would like to thank paddy Cullen for coming to are aid again to get us a race. It's greatly appreciated. Lee Wilson.

Thursday 07/09/23

East Coast Fed (Dublin) to mark Friday for Pilmore Beach. Des Murray.

Friday 08/09/23

Fermoy update NIPA Office8 September 2023
The NIPA are in Fermoy this morning where no liberation is possible at minute we will update around 10.30am.
Thank you Nipa Secretary Fred Russell.

The NIPA have released in Fermoy at 10.40 winds are light and variable.
Ulster Fed liberated in Fermoy at 10.40am.

Saturday 9th September 2023

The EDC have Liberated in YB Derby Macroom at 11.00am in a South West Wind.

7,000 ISRF birds will be liberated in Pilmore Beach at 9.00am in a Lt SW wind. Mick.