Stock Clearance re Robert Kirkwood (Lisburn) -

Something to sell pigeon related, why not drop Homer an email with all your detail including contact name and telephone number and he will display your Free Classified Advert here for you.
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willie reynolds
Posts: 7060
Joined: Sun Nov 09, 2008 4:44 pm

Stock Clearance re Robert Kirkwood (Lisburn) -

Post by willie reynolds »

Stock Clearance for Robert Kirkwood of Lisburn.

Ronnie Johnston will conduct a Complete Clearance Sale of all the stock birds on behalf of Robert Kirkwood (Lisburn) with all the proceeds going to help children with learning difficulties. Venue is the Newtownbreda HPS Clubrooms on 00saturday 9th December at 2.30pm with the birds on view at 1.30pm. Included in the sale a daughter of Jonny Murtagh’s 1st Open Kings Cup, also a daughter of the same lofts 4th Open Lamballe in 2019 and a granddaughter of a Mealy cock, a Gold Medal winner that has flown France 6 Times!

Also 4 hens and 3 cocks all bred the same way as 4th and 6th Open East Down Combine St Malo, 64th Open Kings Cup and one from the hen that bred Johnny Murtagh his 4th Open Lamballe (16 hours on the wing). These pigeons contain Eddie Froggat and Sid Collins Kellen’s cock won 3rd Open OB Derby Penzance plus £550. 10 Times a Top Prize-winner plus IHU09-28594 a gift bird from Phillips & McGrath. Dam of 28594 direct daughter of Galaxy Monarch sire of a least 4 x st Fed winners!

More details Tel Robert (028) 9267178 or Ronnie Tel (028) 483625.
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