Liberations w/e 27/04/24

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willie reynolds
Posts: 6883
Joined: Sun Nov 09, 2008 4:44 pm

Liberations w/e 27/04/24

Post by willie reynolds »

Thursday 25/04/24

The Irish Region Secretary of the RPRA would like to remind all members that the levy must be paid by 1st of May 2024.

The race Committee have given the go ahead to racemark on Friday night for a possible release in Roscrea on Saturday.

The EDC will hamper as scheduled tomorrow night for this weeks race from 1st Roscrea.

SaturdAY 27/04/24

The race controller has stated that he is looking at a 9.30 liberation, both the U Fed and EDC are proposing a 9am liberation at present there is good sunshine and little to no wind at the release site. We will update the site when confirmation is received. Joey Vage.

SThe EDC have liberated in Roscrea @ 09:00 in a Light Northerly Wind. aturday 27th April 2024

Ulster federation are in Tullamore will let go at 9 am good luck today everyone.

The N.I.P.A. has Liberated at 9.30am in Roscrea County Tipperary.
Very Light Northerly Wind at Liberation site - Birds Cleared wellBest of luck to all. Also can everyone in Sections C, D, F & G please send me on details of winning birds etc. to be published in my weekly Journey's End Reports. Many Thanks, Jordan Hughes N.I.P.A Press Officer.
Same order applies for Sect A, B, E & H send this info to Homer.

Owing to rain in Tramore the birds are moving to Clonmel I will detail you later. Des Murray. Birds liberated 12.30 in Clonmel.

Irish South Road Fed are in Castletown. 9,000 ISRF birds liberated at 10 am in Castletown in a light N E wind
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