As we move into the month of May the Season has gotten well into the swing of things now. Up
next on the Mighty N.I.P.A. Programme was another trip down to Roscrea in County Tipperary. A
total of 667 Members sent 21,469 Birds to Roscrea for the third race of the N.I.P.A. Old Bird Season.
This week’s Race had to be rescheduled to Sunday the 5 th of May due to unfavourable weather for a
release on Saturday. On Sunday Morning the Birds were liberated at 10:00AM in excellent
conditions, clear blue skies and glorious sunshine with very little to no wind wind at the liberation
point a prefect setting for the birds liberation as it could be seen on Paddy’s Liberation Update
The Winning Bird from the third Old Bird Race belongs to Mr & Mrs Reid & Bigger of Carrick Social
H.P.S in Section C.
The Carrick man has taken home the accolade of 1 st Open Prize Winner to the County Antrim Coast.
Hugh’s Open Winner has been named as ‘Atchie’. He is a Yearling Mealy cock racing on the
roundabout system. He was also timed in the Youngbird National from Dale last year. ‘Atchie’ is off a
pair that Hugh bought from Michael Atcheson’s clearance sale. His mother is a daughter of 1 st Open
N.I.P.A. Gowran park who is also a half brother to ‘Champion Gregor’ when paired to a sister of ‘Red
Fawcett.’ His father has the ‘Red Fawcett’ lines running through him as well and Marcel Wouters
‘Witte leeuw’ and ‘Champion Gregor’ and ‘Ginger.’ Hughs Open Winner is paired to a hen that was
1 st club last week and also the first race she was 2 nd club.
Many Congratulations to Hugh Bigger of Mr & Mrs Reid & Bigger on claiming 1 st N.I.P.A. Open from
the third Old Bird race of the Season.
Also, Congratulations to 2 nd Open D&J Armstrong & Son also of Carrick Social H.P.S. in Section C & 3 rd
Open J. Burrows of Eastway H.P.S. in Section C. It was another great day ay the races for all especially
in Section C after taking the top 3 in the Open. Yet again another super job done by the N.I.P.A. for
organising another successful race.
The Winner of Section C (113/3,384) from Roscrea 2 was Mr & Mrs Reid & Bigger of Carrick Social
H.P.S. (See Opening Report for more Info) Hugh takes top spot in Carrick Social H.P.S. (298 Birds) 1 st
Section C (3,384 Birds) and 1 st Open (21,469 Birds) Congratulations to Section C Winner Mr & Mrs
Reid & Bigger and Big Congratulations to all Club Winners
Ballycarry & District: (8/195) 1 st W. Degnan & T. McKee 1455; 2 nd S. Beattie & Dtr 1435; 3 rd N J
Arthurs 1430; 4 th G. Davidson 1424; 5 th N J Arthurs 1424; 6 th N J Arthurs 1424
Ballyclare & District: (13/541) 1 st G&R Lawrie 1504; 2 nd Higginson & Fasciola 1496; 3 rd Higginson &
Fasciola 1495; 4 th G&R Lawrie 1495; 5 th G&R Lawrie 1489; 6 th Higginson & Fasciola 1488
Carrick Social: (8/298) 1 st Mr & Mrs Reid & Bigger 1543; 2 nd D&J Armstrong & Son 1540; 3 rd Mr & Mrs
Robinson1518; 4 th Mr & Mrs Robinson 1518; 5 th Mr & Mrs Robinson 1500; 6 th Mr & Mrs Reid & Bigger
Doagh & District: (9/312) 1 st J&R Scott 1494; 2 nd A&N Lewis 1474; 3 rd Mr & Mrs B. McNeilly 1466; 4 th
Mr & Mrs B. McNeilly 1460; 5 th Mr & Mrs B. McNeilly 1459; 6 th Mr & Mrs B. McNeilly 1459
Eastway H.P.S: (11/328) 1 st J. Burrows 1536; 2 nd D. McElhone 1515; 3 rd D&J Campbell 1513; 4 th D&J
Campbell 1512; 5 th D&J Campbell 1510; 6 th D&J Campbell 1510
Glenarm & District: (6/153) 1 st O. O’ McNeill & Son 1456; 2 nd G. McWhirter 1430; 3 rd J&R Baxter 1428;
4 th J&R Baxter 1416; 5 th O. O’ McNeill & Son 1402; 6 th McMullan Bros 1395
Horseshoe H.P.S: (4/88) 1 st K&D Hagans 1493; 2 nd N. Ferguson & Son 1470; 3 rd N. Ferguson & Son
1470; 4 th K&D Hagans 1457; 5 th K&D Hagans 1457; 6 th K&D Hagans 1457
Kingsmoss: (10/225) 1 st PR Wilson 1422; 2 nd W. Gault & Son 1417; 3 rd J. Dawson & Son 1412; 4 th J.
Dawson & Son 1409; 5 th G&C Lowry 1409; 6 th Knowles & Hill 1404
Larne & District: (18/496) 1 st Rea & Magill 1494; 2 nd C. Campbell 1493; 3 rd C. Campbell 1493; 4 th Rea &
Magill 1484; 5 th Rea & Magill 1480; 6 th Crawford & Robinson 1479
Ligoniel & District: (19/427) 1 st C. McManus 1490; 2 nd McMurray & Anderson 1486; 3 rd McMurray &
Anderson 1483; 4 th C. McManus 1478; 5 th McMurray & Anderson 1476; 6 th C. McCormick 1466
East Antrim Amalgamation: 1st Mr & Mrs Reid & Bigger 1543, 20 Points; 2 nd D&J Armstrong 1540, 19
Points; 3 rd J. Burrows 1536, 18 Points; 4 th Mr & Mrs Robinson 1518, 17 Points; 5 th Mr & Mrs Robinson
1518 Points; 6 th D&J Campbell 1513, 15 Points; 7 th D&J Campbell 1512, 14 Points; 8 th D&J Campbell
1510, 13 Points; 9 th D&J Campbell 1510, 12 Points; 10 th R. Francey 1508, 11 Points; 11 th N. McAllister
1507, 10 Points; 12 th N. McAllister 1507, 9 Points; 13 th G&R Lawrie 1504, 8 Points; 14 th Gratton Bros
1503, 7 Points; 15 th Mr & Mrs Robinson 1500, 6 Points; 16 th R. Francey 1500, 5 Points; 17 th J. Burrows
1499, 4 Points; 18 th Higginson & Fasciola 1496, 3 Points; 19 th Higginson & Fasciola 1495, 2 Points; 20 th
G&R Lawrie 1495, 1 Point
71 Members sent 2,067 Birds.
East Antrim Amalgamation
2nd Roscrea 5/5/24
Some would say getting into pigeons is easy, it’s getting out of them that’s the hard bit!
Enter Hugh Bigger. A man in pigeons his whole life and was at the top of his game in arguably one of
the best partnerships this country has ever seen. When Hugh hung up the whistle, he did just that he
went out of them at the very top.
A few years back when he moved in beside the late Robert Reid (Mr & Mrs R Reid & Son) he started
to go up with Robert to watch the birds coming and inevitably got the bug back for racing, sourcing
the best pigeons he then took the reins and went at it again bringing a host of prizes in the Carrick
social, section open and national level. After a short few years Hugh finds himself at the top once
more by winning the open from Roscrea with a super pigeon into the north road!
I just want to pass on my own personal congratulations because I know 1st hand the work, time and
effort he puts into them, this day was always coming it was only a matter of when!!
The pigeon, is bred off a pair Hugh got from Michael Acheson when he was having his clearance
sales, containing open winning lines and also the super ‘Red Faucett.’
With Hugh’s and in his own words (in all my years of racing I’ve never ever seen a pigeon coming as
hard, so hard he couldn’t get stopped to take the board and had to sweep round) a super sight I’m
sure he will never forget!
On behalf of everyone at the EAA and all the fanciers in the NIPA the upmost congratulations to you!
Hugh Bigger
Jonny Baxter EAA Press Officer
The Winner of Section D (71/2,298) from Roscrea 2 was P&J Boal of Dromore H.P.S. Philip Wins
Section D for the third time in a row making it a Hatrick of Section Wins. A loft that is in super form
Philip takes the top 2 in Dromore H.P.S. (365 Birds) 1 st Section and 3 rd Section D (2,298 Birds) along
with 4 th and 7 th Open (21,469 Birds) This week’s Section Winner GB23 D 01206 is a Blue Cock again
racing on the ‘Chaos System’. His Sire is a Direct ‘Harry Smolders’ Winner of 1 st Section for us, Dam is
a Willy Van Herck from ‘Perfect Light’ which was 1 st National Ace Bird 0-250 Miles All of U.K. plus 2x
1 st Open N.I.P.A. Winner. Many Congratulations to Section D Winner P&J Boal and Big
Congratulations to all Club Winners
Colin H.P.S: (7/231) 1 st O&M Monaghan 1508; 2 nd O&M Monaghan 1499; 3 rd J. Gregory & Sons 1489;
4 th O&M Monaghan 1487; 5 th O&M Monaghan 1486; 6 th O&M Monaghan 1480
Derriaghy: (6/172) 1 st D. Johnston 1476; 2 nd D. Johnston 1476; 3 rd I. Kennedy 1469; 4 th D. Johnston
1465; 5 th D. Johnston 1458; 6 th D. Johnston 1457
Dromara H.P.S: (8/325) 1 st B. Murray 1485; 2 nd M. Russell 1478; 3 rd M. Russell 1472; 4 th B. Murray
1471; 5 th D. Aiken 1468; 6 th N. Edgar & Son 1466
Dromore West End: D/S
Dromore H.P.S: (9/365) 1 st P&J Boal 1532; 2 nd P&J Boal 1520; 3 rd R. Keegan & Son 1515; 4 th R. Keegan
& Son 1514; 5 th Tomlinson & Wilson 1510; 6 th P&J Boal 1506
Glen H.P.S: (9/315) 1 st J&D Braniff 1500; 2 nd J&D Braniff 1497; 3 rd J&D Braniff 1484; 4 th P. Farrelly &
Son 1480; 5 th J&D Braniff 1475; 6 th J&D Braniff 1472
Glenavy & District: (4/131) 1 st I. Gibb & Sons 1470; 2 nd I. Gibb & Sons 1466; 3 rd I. Gibb & Sons 1462; 4 th
I. Gibb & Sons 1457; 5 th I. Gibb & Sons 1451; 6 th G&S Owens 1418
Harmony H.P.S: (7/219) 1 st M. McClure 1475; 2 nd M. McClure 1475; 3 rd M. McClure 1467; 4 th J&V
Abernethy 1452; 5 th Abernethy & Turner 1451; 6 th Abernethy & Turner 1450
Hillsborough & Maze: (5/345) 1 st J. Greenaway 1510; 2 nd I. Rollins & Son 1496; 3 rd J. Greenaway
1488; 4 th J. Greenaway 1485; 5 th J. Greenaway 1484; 6 th J. Greenaway 1483
Kingswood H.P.S: D/S
Lisburn & District: (20/447) 1 st R. Topping & Son 1521; 2 nd R. Topping & Son 1478; 3 rd S G Briggs 1478;
4 th R. Topping & Son 1473; 5 th R. Topping & Son 1468; 6 th Spence Bros 1465
South Belfast H.P.S: (3/83) 1 st T. McNally 1467; 2 nd T. McNally 1446; 3 rd T. McNally 1439; 4 th T.
McNally 1438; 5 th R. Kenna 1438; 6 th T. McNally 1433
Titanic H.P.S: D/S
Trinity H.P.S: (7/233) 1 st J&L Smyth 1486; 2 nd P&K McCarthy 1480; 3 rd P&K McCarthy 1480; 4 th P&K
McCarthy 1474; 5 th P&K McCarthy 1467; 6 th P&K McCarthy 1467
The Winner of Section F (75/1,875) from Roscrea 2 was R. Moore & Son of Bangor R.P.C. Team
Moore consisting of 3 Generations. Reggie, David & Micah takes the top 2 in Bangor Club (226 Birds)
along with 1 st , 4 th & 5 th Section F (1,875 Birds) Finishing overall 31 st Open N.I.P.A (21,469) The Section
Winner is a yearling blue cock racing celibate. His sire is a son of our Cuesters Cock when paired to
the Flanders Hen. Its dam is a full sister to the mother of our EDC Talbenny YB Derby Winner. Many
Congratulations to Section F Winners R. Moore & Son and Big Congratulations to all Club Winners.
Ards: (6/106) 1 st McGimpsey Bros 1470; 2 nd McGimpsey Bros 1463; 3 rd W. Leckey 1446; 4 th W. Leckey
1440; 5 th McGimpsey Bros 1435; 6 th McGimpsey Bros 1409
Annalong: D/S
Bangor R.P.C: (9/226) 1 st R. Moore & Son 1506; 2 nd R. Moore & Son 1484; 3 rd R. Moore & Son 1484; 4 th
Burgess & Brennan 1477; 5 th R. Moore & Son 1467; 6 th R. Moore & Son 1466
Cloughey H.P.S: (4/84) 1 st C&H Cully 1474; 2 nd McCormick & Young 1434; 3 rd C&H Cully 1411; 4 th
Gordon Bros & Sons 1400; 5 th C&H Cully 1395; 6 th McCormick & Young 1384
Comber Central H.P.S: (5/113) 1 st W&L Robinson 1486; 2 nd W&L Robinson 1423; 3 rd W&L Robinson
1399; 4 th W&L Robinson 1399; 5 th W&L Robinson 1397; 6 th W&L Robinson 1381
Corrigs: (3/49) 1 st P. Brown & Son 1296; 2 nd P. Brown & Son 1274; 3 rd P. Brown & Son 1256; 4 th P.
Brown & Son 1238; 5 th G&P Brown 1235; 6 th P. Brown & Son 1235
Crossgar: (5/184) 1 st McCartan & Woodside 1496; 2 nd McCartan & Woodside 1482; 3 rd McCartan &
Woodside 1470; 4 th McCartan & Woodside 1443; 5 th McCartan & Woodside 1430; 6 th McCartan &
Woodside 1428
Downpatrick Premier: (9/233) 1 st E. Wynn & Dtr 1471; 2 nd T&G Black 1440; 3 rd J. Crossan 1439; 4 th
T&G Black 1438; 5 th E. Wynn & Dtr 1437; 6 th J. Crossan 1436
Killyleagh Central: (10/247) C. Healy 1470; 2 nd C. Healy 1470; 3 rd McComb Bros 1455; 4 th McComb
Bros 1455; 5 th McComb Bros 1455; 6 th McComb Bros 1455
Killyleagh & District: (10/235) 1 st D. Grieves 1481; 2 nd D. Grieves 1481; 3 rd D. Grieves 1478; 4 th
Morrison Bros 1476; 5 th D. Grieves 1466; 6 th D. Grieves 1466
Kircubbin: D/S
Millisle & District H.P.S: (10/187) 1 st Rainey Bros 1423; 2 nd Rainey Bros 1416; 3 rd Rainey Bros 1416; 4 th
Rainey Bros 1407; 5 th Rainey Bros 1401; 6 th Rainey Bros 1390
The Winner of Section G (54/2,396) from Roscrea 2 was Gary Hughes & Son of Newry City H.P.S. The
Father & Son Partnership of Gary and Jordan Wins Newry City Club along with 3 rd & 4 th Places (290
Birds) They take home 1 st Section G Prize (2,396 Birds) and the Duo finish 5 th Open for their efforts
(21,396 Birds) I didn’t think it through whenever I took on the role of Press Officer that someday I
would have to do a writeup on my dad and Me. The Section Winner for us has been called ‘Maxie’
after my Late Granda who sadly passed last Sunday the 28 th of April. He is a 2 Year old Cock Racing on
the Widowhood System. His Sire ‘04’ is from our own top winning lines who has many Open
Positions. The Dam is a Gift Hen from our good friend Gary McLoughlin, and she is from ‘Better than
Bolt’ x ‘Donkere Leo’ Bloodlines. The Section Winner is also a Grandson of our Best Racer and Top
Stock Cock who was 3 rd National Skibbereen for us plus many other Open Prizes and Wins.
Many Congratulations to Gary Hughes & Son and Big Congratulations to all Club Winners.
Ashfield: D/S
Ballyholland: (9/579) 1 st Owen Markey 1495; 2 nd C. O’Hare & Dtr 1489; 3 rd Owen Markey 1487; 4 th
Owen Markey 1487; 5 th Owen Markey 1478; 6 th Owen Markey 1476
Banbridge H.P.S: (8/254) 1 st F. Simpson 1489; 2 nd R. Carson & Son 1481; 3 rd R. Carson & Son 1449; 4 th
R. Carson & Son 1444; 5 th T. Mallon 1438; 6 th F. Simpson 1435
Banbridge Social: D/S
Drumnavady: (16/541) 1 st S. Ogle 1503; 2 nd S. Ogle 1501; 3 rd D&K Mallen 1488; 4 th D&K Mallen 1483;
5 th McGrath & McParland 1482; 6 th S. Ogle 1482
Millvale: (4/211) 1 st T. Mooney & Son 1510; 2 nd JJ McCabe 1503; 3 rd T. Mooney & Son 1503; 4 th N.
Murtagh 1497; 5 th JJ McCabe 1494; 6 th N. Murtagh 1491
Newry City: (6/290) 1 st Gary Hughes & Son 1528; 2 nd Thompson & Lunn 1507; 3 rd Gary Hughes & Son
1485; 4 th Gary Hughes & Son 1472; 5 th Thompson & Lunn 1472; 6 th Donnelly Bros 1462
Newry & District: (12/488) 1 st J.F McCabe & Son 1515; 2 nd J.F McCabe & Son 1514; 3 rd J.F McCabe &
Son 1510; 4 th G. McLoughlin 1510; 5 th J.F McCabe & Son 1505; 6 th J.F McCabe & Son 1505
Another Great call from Jim Ramsey of our N.I.P.A. Race Controlling team, and well done to all who
organised yet again and to all who enjoyed the third week of the season there is plenty more to look
forward to. Next week we look further down the Country to Fermoy in County Cork. Our Birds will be
getting that extra few miles under their wings. I would like to kindly ask for all club
representatives/race secretaries within the covered sections of C, D, F & G to contact myself to be
included in my weekly Reports, With Club, Section & Open Winning Photos, With the Winning
Pigeons Info etc.
Yours in Sport ,
Jordan Hughes
Mobile: 07713808554
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Results & Info Links

Hugh Bigger from Carrick Social, 1st Open NIPA 2nd Roscrea.