The 1 st of June was the first test for Channel Racing for the members of the Mighty N.I.P.A. With
birds being Race marked on the Thursday night to make the trip across the Irish Sea to Dale in Wales
for a Liberation on the Saturday morning. A total of 624 Members sent 10,967 Birds to Dale in Wales
for the first channel race of the N.I.P.A. Old Bird Season. The Birds were liberated at 9:00AM in a
Light North West Wind at the liberation point with good conditions throughout the country.
The Winning Bird from the first Old Bird Channel Race belongs to G. Buckley & Son of Annaghmore
H.P.S in Section E.
Many Congratulations to G. Buckley & Son on claiming 1 st & 2 nd N.I.P.A. Open from the first Old Bird
Channel Race of the Season.
Also, Many Congratulations to 3 rd Open R. Calvin & Dtr of Loughgall H.P.S. in Section E.
A First test for the members of the N.I.P.A. birds from across the pond in Wales. With many sending
their distance birds schooling them for crossing the 2 channels come July time from France.
The Winner of Section C (104/1,587) from Dale 1 was J&D Braniff of Glen H.P.S. The partnership are
in top form all season long obtaining fantastic results. Joe & David take the top 6 in their club (139
Birds) while taking home the prestige of 1st Section C (1,587 Birds) and a great finish overall in the
Open placing 58 th Open N.I.P.A. (10,967)
Many Congratulations to Section C Winners Joe & David Braniff and Big Congratulations to all Club
Ballycarry & District: (8/119) 1 st S. Beattie & Dtr 1094; 2 nd S. Beattie & Dtr 1088; 3 rd S. Beattie & Dtr
1077; 4 th W. Degan & T. McKee 1068; 5 th N J Arthurs 1062; 6 th S. Beattie & Dtr 1061
Ballyclare & District: (11/225) 1 st Horner Bros & Son 1134; 2 nd J&R Blair 1121; 3 rd Horner Bros & Son
1111; 4 th A. Thompson 1097; 5 th J&R Blair 1091; 6 th A&T Agnew 1088
Carrick Social: (6/56) 1 st Mr & Mrs Robinson 1136; 2 nd Mr & Mrs Robinson 1111; 3 rd Mr & Mrs
Robinson 1093; 4 th D&J Armstrong & Son 1091; 5 th D&J Armstrong 1090; 6 th Mr & Mrs Robinson 1090
Doagh & District: (9/196) 1 st Mr & Mrs B. McNeilly 1130; 2 nd Mr & Mrs B. McNeilly 1130; 3 rd A&N
Lewis 1118; 4 th Mr & Mrs B. McNeilly 1118; 5 th Mr & Mrs B. McNeilly 1113; 6 th Mr & Mrs B. McNeilly
Eastway H.P.S: (9/182) 1 st D. McElhone 1142; 2 nd Grattan Bros 1123; 3 rd D. McElhone 1099; 4 th D&J
Campbell 1096; 5 th D&J Campbell 1094; 6 th D&J Campbell 1088
Glenarm & District: (6/78) 1 st McMullan Bros 1106; 2 nd O. O’Neil & Son 1070; 3 rd O. O’Neil & Son
1065; 4 th K. S McCloy 1039; 5 th J&R Baxter 1030; 6 th McMullan Bros 1017
Horseshoe H.P.S: (5/51) 1 st K&D Hagans 1098; 2 nd K&D Hagans 1085; 3 rd K&D Hagans 1067; 4 th N.
Ferguson & Son 1042; 5 th D. McAuley 1010; 6 th J. Hastings 1003
Kingsmoss: (10/104) 1 st Connor Bros 1083; 2 nd J. Dawson & Son 1070; 3 rd J&S Graham 1069; 4 th PR
Wilson 1061; 5 th R&C Johnston 1057; 6 th T. Cairns & Son 1048
Larne & District: (13/171) 1 st R&M Robinson 1100; 2 nd M. Witherspoon 1099; 3 rd Rea & Magill 1085;
4 th Rea & Magill 1079; 5 th K&S Doherty 1078; 6 th Crawford & Robinson 1071
Ligoniel & District: (21/276) 1 st Dunwoody Bros 1124; 2 nd Bingham & Seaton 1122; 3 rd Calderwood &
Waite 1113; 4 th McAuley & Partners 1113; 5 th Dunwoody Bros 1105; 6 th Heading Bros & Luney 1099
East Antrim Amalgamation
1 st Dale
East Antrim Amalgamation Result: 1 st Mr & Mrs Robinson 1136, 20 Points; 2 nd Horner Bros & Son
1134, 19 Points; 3 rd Grattan Bros 1123, 18 Points; 4 th J&R Blair 1121, 17 Points; 5 th A&N Lewis 1118,
16 Points; 6 th Horner Bros & Son 1111, 15 Points; 7 th Mr & Mrs Robinson 1111, 14 Points; 8 th
McMullan Bros 1106, 13 Points; 9 th J&R Scott 1106, 12 Points; 10 th R&M Robinson 1100, 11 Points;
11 th M. Witherspoon 1099, 10 Points; 12 th K&D Hagans 1098, 9 Points; 13 th D&J Campbell 1096, 8
Points; 14 th D&J Campbell 1094, 7 Points; 15 th S. Beattie & Dtr 1094, 6 Points; 16 th Mr & Mrs Robinson
1093, 5 Points; 17 th A&N Lewis 1091, 4 Points; 18 th A&N Lewis 1091, 3 Points; 19 th J&R Blair 1091, 2
Points; 20 th D&J Armstrong 1091, 1 Point
The EAA were in Dale for the first channel race of the ob. season and looking at the weather all week
it was clear it was going to be a great flying day with good visibility the only issue would be the
strong north wind, nevertheless the NIPA got the paperwork sorted and the Lorry’s were rolling on
Thursday night for collection as per!
A super liberation at 9am saw the birds on their way .
It was a “TRIO FOR GEO” with Geo Robinson taking the first three spots in the Carrick social and the
top spot in the Amal along with it!
A really super card on a hard day, Geordie timing a class blue cheq cock, he is a pigeon from John
abernethy his breeding is Van den bulk x Lambrechts, George told me as a youngster he didn’t break
much delph but he always found him ultra keen on his box so he decided to push him across the
water and it has paid dividends immediately, he was flew on the roundabout system!
Many congratulations to Mr & Mrs Robinson from all at the Amal! Well done
A special mention to fellow club mate Dwayne McMullan on his 8th place Amal, in my view a super
pigeon into the glens!
Jonny Baxter EAA Press Officer
The Winner of Section D (64/1,270) from Dale 1 was J. Gregory & Sons of Colin H.P.S. The super
racing partnership have won the first Channel race in Colin H.P.S. (139 Birds) and taking home the
highly rewarding 1 st & 3 rd Section D (1,270 Birds) and a great showing in the Open getting 36 th & 116 th
Placings (10,967 Birds) Eamon and John is proudly Displaying their 1 st & 2 nd Section D Winners. The
Section Winner from Dale 1 is a 2 Year Old Mealy Hen racing on the roundabout and was purchased
as part of a racing kit from Danny Dixon. She has been steady racer for the lads winning a few prizes.
Their second bird finished 3 rd Section and it’s a daughter of their N.I.P.A. Skibbereen Youngbird
National Winner.
Many Congratulations to Section D Winners J. Gregory & Sons and Big Congratulations to all Club
Colin H.P.S: (7/139) 1 st J. Gregory & Sons 1151; 2 nd O&M Monaghan 1146; 3 rd J. Gregory & Sons 1134;
4 th O&M Monaghan 1125; 5 th P&K Braniff 1122; 6 th O&M Monaghan 1115
Derriaghy: (5/109) 1 st D. Johnston 1122; 2 nd D. Johnston 1068; 3 rd D. Johnston 1068; 4 th K. Johnston
1057; 5 th W. Ringland & Son 1056; 6 th R. Benson 1053
Dromara H.P.S: (11/276) 1 st C. Rooney & Sons 1118; 2 nd C. Rooney & Sons 1118; 3 rd C. Rooney & Sons
1092; 4 th M. Russell 1092; 5 th B. Murray 1082; 6 th Russell Bros 1064
Dromore West End: D/S
Dromore H.P.S: (8/128) 1 st P&J Boal 1132; 2 nd T. Mawhinney 1128; 3 rd Tomlinson & Wilson 1125; 4 th T.
Mawhinney 1109; 5 th P&J Boal 1103; 6 th P&J Boal 1101
Glen H.P.S: (3/104) 1 st J&D Braniff 1146; 2 nd J&D Braniff 1130; 3 rd J&D Braniff 1122; 4 th J&D Braniff
1120; 5 th J&D Braniff 1119; 6 th J&D Braniff 1114
Glenavy & District: (6/114) 1 st I. Gibb & Sons 1113; 2 nd I. Gibb & Sons 1075; 3 rd G&S Owens 1067; 4 th
D. Coulter 1062; 5 th Liley & Withers 1051; 6 th I. Gibb & Sons 1050
Harmony H.P.S: (8/62) 1 st B. Wallace 1028; 2 nd Mr & Mrs S. McAllister 1024; 3 rd Abernethy & Turner
1017; 4 th B. Wallace 1003; 5 th S. Wilson & Son 1003; 6 th Abernethy & Turner 1002
Hillsborough & Maze: (8/289) 1 st G. Marsden 1146; 2 nd G. Marsden 1146; 3 rd G. Marsden 1141; 4 th G.
Marsden 1141; 5 th G. Marsden 1141; 6 th G. Marsden 1141
Kingswood H.P.S: D/S
Lisburn & District: (15/284) 1 st S G Briggs 1110; 2 nd D. Ferguson 1077; 3 rd I. Donaghy 1073; 4 th R.
Topping & Son 1069; 5 th L. Magee & Sons 1066; 6 th A. O’Hara 1057
South Belfast H.P.S: (1/6) 1 st T. McNally 1085; 2 nd T. McNally 1077; 3 rd T. McNally 1046
Titanic H.P.S: D/S
Trinity H.P.S: (7/100) 1 st J. Mc Alorum & Son 1128; 2 nd J&L Smyth 1098; 3 rd O. Farrelly 1098; 4 th J. Mc
Alorum & Son 1091; 5 th P&K McCarthy 1083; 6 th J. Mc Alorum & Son 1075
The Winner of Section F (64/895) from Dale 1 was S. Foster, Connor & Parry of Corrigs H.P.S. The lads
win their club of Corrigs (237 Birds) and also being crowned 1 st Section F Winners from Dale 1 in what
was a super result (895 Birds)
Many Congratulations to Section F Winners S. Foster, Connor & Parry and Big Congratulations to all
Club Winners.
Ards: (7/88) 1 st W. Leckey 1031; 2 nd W. Leckey 1014; 3 rd J. Orr 1005; 4 th J. Orr 1000; 5 th J. Orr 992; 6 th
H&S Muckle 989
Annalong: D/S
Bangor R.P.C: (9/107) 1 st Burgess & Brennan 1056; 2 nd R. Russell & Son 1046; 3 rd Burgess & Brennan
1045; 4 th Burgess & Brennan 1043; 5 th Burgess & Brennan 1042; 6 th Burgess & Brennan 1034
Cloughey H.P.S: (3/53) 1 st Young & McCormick 994; 2 nd Young & McCormick 992; 3 rd Young &
McCormick 973; 4 th C&H Cully 955; 5 th C&H Cully 951; 6 th Agar Bros 943
Comber Central H.P.S: (3/23) 1 st W&L Robinson 1055; 2 nd W&L Robinson 1045; 3 rd W&L Robinson
1026; 4 th W&L Robinson 1009; 5 th W&L Robinson 1001; 6 th W&L Robinson 1000
Corrigs: (11/237) 1 st S. Foster, Connor & Parry 1041; 2 nd P. Brown & Son 1041; 3 rd R. Shaw 1007; 4 th
G&P Brown 1000; 5 th G&P Brown 999; 6 th G&P Brown 997
Crossgar: (5/60) 1 st McCartan & Woodside 1041; 2 nd McCartan & Woodside 1041; 3 rd McCartan &
Woodside 1007; 4 th McCartan & Woodside 1000; 5 th McCartan & Woodside 999; 6 th McCartan &
Woodside 997
Downpatrick Premier: (7/190) 1 st J. Crossan 1038; 2 nd J. Crossan 1026; 3 rd S. Milligan & Dtr 1026; 4 th E.
Wynn & Dtr 1025; 5 th T. Burns 1011; 6 th P. McCullough & Dtr 1004
Killyleagh Central: (8/93) P. Murray 994; 2 nd C. Healy 970; 3 rd G. McIntosh 969; 4 th McComb Bros 955;
5 th C. Healy 953; 6 th P. Murray 943
Killyleagh & District: (11/148) 1 st K. Murray 1056; 2 nd D. Greives 1025; 3 rd K. Murray 1025; 4 th K.
Murray 1023; 5 th D. Greives 1019; 6 th J&R Quinn 1017
Kircubbin: D/S
Millisle & District H.P.S: (7/84) 1 st R. Strain & Son 1026; 2 nd M. Ferris & G/Son 1020; 3 rd R. Strain &
Son 1008; 4 th R. Strain & Son 1005; 5 th R. Strain & Son 987; 6 th R. Strain & Son 977
The Winner of Section G (50/1,328) from Dale 1 was Ron Williamson of Newry & District H.P.S. Ron
takes top spot in his club along with 3 rd , 4 th , 5 th & 6 th Club (351 Birds) with these positions Ron
obtained 1 st , 3 rd & 5 th Section G plus many more (1,328 Birds) and then in the overall N.I.P.A. Open
rankings gets 7 th , 15 th & 53 rd Open with many more placings in the top 350 positions (10,967 Birds)
Many Congratulations to Section G Winner Ron Williamson and Big Congratulations to all Club
Ashfield: D/S
Ballyholland: (6/212) 1 st Gary Murphy 1133; 2 nd C. O’Hare & Dtr 1122; 3 rd C. O’Hare & Dtr 1113; 4 th
E&B McAteer 1100; 5 th A. McAteer 1095; 6 th C. O’Hare & Dtr 1089
Banbridge H.P.S: (9/140) 1 st R. Carson & Son 11124; 2 nd F. Simpson 1115; 3 rd F. Simpson 1100; 4 th F.
Simpson 1100; 5 th McCracken Bros 1096; 6 th McCracken Bros 1095
Banbridge Social: D/S
Drumnavady: (13/214) 1 st G&S McMullan 1156; 2 nd G&S McMullan 1138; 3 rd S. Ogle 1125; 4 th G&S
McMullan 1116; 5 th W. McDowell & Son 1111; 6 th W. McDowell & Son 1111
Millvale: (6/209) 1 st JJ McCabe 1148; 2 nd N. Murtagh 1122; 3 rd N. Murtagh 1117; 4 th T. Mooney & Son
1114; 5 th N. Murtagh 1105; 6 th N. Murtagh 1095
Newry City: (7/193) 1 st Thompson & Lunn 1164; 2 nd C. McArdle & Sons 1143; 3 rd C. Duke & Sons 1140;
4 th C. McArdle & Sons 1128; 5 th Donnelly Bros 1126; 6 th Donnelly Bros 1125
Newry & District: (11/363) 1 st R. Williamson 1182; 2 nd Mark Maguire & Son 1166; 3 rd R. Williamson
1164; 4 th R. Williamson 1146; 5 th R. Williamson 1138; 6 th R. Williamson 1132
Great work carried out by all who work very hard behind the scenes in the N.I.P.A. especially when
it comes to crossing the channel. Another Dale is scheduled along with the Fermoy 5 Bird
Championship on the same date which is next on my weekly racing report schedule. I would like to
kindly ask for all club representatives/race secretaries within the covered sections of C, D, F & G to
contact myself to be included in my weekly Reports, With Club, Section & Open Winning Photos,
With the Winning Pigeons Info etc.
Yours in Sport ,
Jordan Hughes
Mobile: 07713808554
Facebook Messenger
Results & Info Links
1st Dale - Sat 01/06/24
New NIPA Press Officer – I would like to inform everyone that I have been newly elected as Press Officer for the NIPA and will be covering Sections C, D, F and G in the NIPA in this forthcoming season 2024. I kindly ask for all the Club Secretaries or race Secretaries within these sections to get in contact with me highlighting their club and contact details for the future publication of results, loft reports and any other information for publication. I would loke to take this opportunity to wish everyone the best of luck and good health in 2024. I am very privileged to be taking on this esteemed role and I can’t wait to get up and running. Jordan Hughes. "Journey’s End” NIPA Press Officer. Mobile: 07713 808554, E-mail:
- Posts: 7194
- Joined: Sun Nov 09, 2008 4:44 pm
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