Formula 1 Lofts – Sale in Sarsfield (Dublin) 10/11/13

Formula 1 Lofts – Sale in Sarsfield (Dublin) 10/11/13
John Gladwin & John Cowlin holding 2 top Frans Zwol cock birds.

John Gladwin & John Cowlin holding 2 top Frans Zwol cock birds.

Sale List Click here: Dublin_Sale_10th_Nov_2013

Coming to Sarsfield RPC in Dublin on Sunday 10th November at 3.00pm from the South of England, Formula 1 Lofts. John Gladwin will pen 50 Lots the very best of his Hereman Ceusters, Jos Thone via Armstrong & Wheatley, Frans Zwols, and distance lines. Birds will be on view from 1.30pm. Check out the website

Formula 1 lofts Bloodlines have bred 3x1sts open National (BICC,NFC & BBC) + 1st open BICC Hens National twice also 1st UNC, 1st WDA, 1st NIPA (Area Lib) 3x1sts open NEPC,1st Combine winner, 3x1st Amalg,1st section CSCFC, 1st sec & 1st open NFC Gold ring race, 1st sec L&SECC and 100’s of Club, fed, section and Open winners.

At Formula 1 lofts we have two main aims which are very simple these are to win each and every race we enter, but equally as important to us is to be able to breed first class pigeons which win or breed winners for others. Nothing pleases us more than getting the numerous calls/emails we get reporting winners each year.

Formula 1 lofts is jointly owned by John Gladwin & John Cowlin we both race separately and our flying names are Gladwin & Jarvis and John Cowlin. We have both been around pigeons all our life in fact the Jarvis part of my flying name comes from my wife’s Theresa maiden name herself is a daughter of a pigeon fancier.

After much consideration we decided to set up formula 1 lofts in 2002 since then we have spent many hours looking for the best pigeons we could find, always with 3 main things in mind when we look at a family of pigeons, firstly they must be from someone who wins in good competition for a number of years. Secondly and probably most important is that they are winning for others in many areas. And thirdly we feel we can trust the person we are buying from. To make sure these 3 main criteria’s are meet we spend a lot of time doing our homework on the sellers before we buy.

During the last 10 years Formula 1 Lofts have bred 100’s of winners for ourselves and others including winners in America and Asia, these include winners at the highest levels of competition

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About the author

Willie Reynolds

Covering the sport in Ireland for several years, scribe for both BHW & RP and a number of local newspapers including the News Letter (Farming Life Supplement) each Wednesday. Secretary of Ballymena & District for a number of years and currently PO for the Mighty NIPA & INFC. Watch out for the many articles/news items penned by HOMER.

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