NIPA Clubs Tullamore – Tullamore-Mass-Lib-club-Results-4th-Aug-2014
NIPA Open & Sect Tullamore – Tullamore-Mass-Lib-4th-Aug-2014
Monday 4th August – NIPA LIBERATING AT 08.30.
Monday 4th August at 08:10.The NIPA will liberate in Tullamore at 08:30 wind at the release site is light southerly. We will only update if there is any change to the liberation time.
Sunday 3rd August – East Coast Federation pigeons up at 1.30pm in Pilmore Beach.
The South Road Federation birds will be liberated in Mallow today at 2.00pm.
Saturday 2nd August – Irish SR Fed held over in Mallow, further update tomorrow.
NIPA – The NIPA will race mark tomorrow Sunday for a possible release in Tullamore on Monday. Would all race secretaries please ensure that their Unikon ring marker is updated to version 4.2 if not this can be done by downloading the update from the Unikon website.
EDC – The East Down Combine weather committee have decided that hampering will take place on Sunday night at the usual collection times for a Monday race from Mullingar.
UPDATE 01/08/14 – The Race Committee have cancelled race marking for the Mass Liberation from Tullamore.
A further update will be made tonight. The weather forecast for Saturday has changed overnight. NO SATURDAY RACING THIS WEEKEND.
** The race committee have decided to update tomorrow night when further information is to hand, at this moment it looks like a Sunday night collection for a race on Monday.
EDC. Not going tonight. Up date tonight for possible Sat for Sun. The East Down Combine weather committee have decided to delay a decision on hampering for this weeks race from Mullingar until Saturday morning for a possible race on Sunday. Web Site will be updated at 10.00am Saturday. The East Down Combine weather committee have decided due to the poor weather forecast for Sunday not to Hamper tonight (Saturday). The current forecast for Monday looks better a decision on on a possible Monday race will be made later. Next updated will be tonight at 8.30pm.
The Ulster Federation have decided to not race mark tomorrow evening (Friday). A further update Friday evening with regards to whether or not race marking will be on Saturday evening.
The Ulster Federation have decided to race mark on Sunday for a possible liberation on Monday – Weather Permitting .
Please note – Racemarking @ 3 pm Sunday so that the lorry can get away a bit earlier – PLEASE PASS THE WORD AROUND.
The NIPA have decided to race mark as normal tomorrow night Friday for a possible release in Tullamore on Saturday 2nd August.
Would all club members please inform their local committee member as to where they wish this Saturdays race to be flown from, this week is a MASS liberation and not an Area Liberation as printed in your Year Books. Then would all committee members please inform the NIPA Secretary of decision.
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