NCC – Hot Spot (3) Mullingar 11/08/13

12th August 2013 

We would like to congratulate John Smith on his first success at the North Coast Classic in Hotspot 3 from Mullingar.  John’s bird was purchased from Wayne Doonan at Cockcrow Lofts.  Wayne has had success at the loft before and hopefully much more to come.

The birds rested today and had a bath but will start training again tomorrow. Next weeks Hotspot 4 will be 150 miles so the birds will be tested even further.

Finally we would like to congratulate all prize winners from Hotspot 3!

Yours in Sport,

Sunday 11/08/13 –



Result of NCC Hotspot (3)  NCC 3RD HOT SPOT RESULT


Well folks another race day is upon us tomorrow we hope to get the birds loaded and away for 7.o’clock with a liberation time 10 o’clock there is rain coming in from the south so we will try and keep in front of it Sean would hope that they will make it home for 12 or just after we wish everyone good luck for HOTSPOT 3
YoursIn Sport SEAN

HI All – Today Sean had the birds in the air from 9.30 forced exercised until 10’30 they then had a free loft with bath until called in at 6′o’clock. Looking at the forecast every thing seems ok for Sunday’s third hotspot we will be going to Mullingar which is 115 miles to the loft we hope to get them liberated around 10.30am. We have’nt had the birds looking better this year and we are looking forward to this weeks race we will hope to have a stock list on tomorrow evening. There is approximately thirty ventures left if anyone is interested contact SEAN on his mobile 07548607756 or email us at NORTHCOASTCLASSIC@LIVE.COM


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About the author

Willie Reynolds

Covering the sport in Ireland for several years, scribe for both BHW & RP and a number of local newspapers including the News Letter (Farming Life Supplement) each Wednesday. Secretary of Ballymena & District for a number of years and currently PO for the Mighty NIPA & INFC. Watch out for the many articles/news items penned by HOMER.

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