N. I. P.A.
The NIPA will race mark tomorrow night Friday 11th April for a possible release in Tullamore on Saturday 12th.
Please place club results ASAP after each race, the sooner we have info the sooner we can place race reports. Don’t miss the publication deadlines.
** All the latest updates including confirmed liberations are on the Forum Board under Liberations.
CLICK HERE! http://www.pigeonnetwork.com/spam/new_forums/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=2276
NIPA Result Click Here! 1st_Tullamore_Old_Birds_2014
NIPA Clubs Click Here! NIPA club-result-Tullamore-12-april-2014
Mid Antrim Combine: A reminder to all the member clubs, we need the four lofts to be included in the Champions League competition, it starts this weekend.
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