All the weekend details will be placed here when available. NIPA are due to race from Talbenny (South Wales), the first leg of the RPRA Meritorious Awards.
Update from NIPA – No decision has been made as yet, weather in Wales is not promising for Saturday or Sunday, the website will be updated at around 11.00pm tonight.
Wednesday 10pm – There will be no race marking for Talbenny tomorrow night Thursday and the web site will be updated then also.
The Race committee have said that it might possibly be a Saturday race marking for a Monday race.
* The NIPA have decided to race mark on Saturday night for a possible release in Talbenny on Monday, please pass the word around.
* The East Down Combine Weather Committee have decided to wait until Friday morning to make a decision on hampering for this weeks race from Mallow. Web Site will be updated on Friday morning at 10.00am.
* Irish SR Federation – Due to poor weather forecast this weekend we will now mark on Sunday for a race on Monday from Barleycove.
Liberations times will be in the Forum.
Please call back for updates and confirmed liberations, looks like another difficult weekend.
NIPA Clubs click here! Talbenny-Old-Bird-Club-results-2014
NIPA Open & Sect results click here! Talbenny_Old_Birds_2014
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