SAMDPR 24/01/15 – Photo Finish

Looks like a very hard race, leading birds
(1)T31850Sanjay 1
Karl-Heinz Koch2015/01/24 15:04:18.94
09h 04m 18s 94ms15.9528 m/s2 (2)T40184Robben Island
Saad Al Abhoul2015/01/24 15:04:40.28
09h 04m 40s 28ms15.9423 m/s(3)T73561Melton Moment
Garentown Syndicate2015/01/24 16:57:06.55
10h 57m 06s 55ms13.2144 m/s3 (4)T91350Welfen-Fuerst
Georg Oswald2015/01/24 17:02:37.75
11h 02m 37s 75ms13.1044 m/s4 (5)T42020HORSE-RELIABLE
Nanez Family Syndicate2015/01/24 17:24:21.66
11h 24m 21s 66ms12.6882 m/s5 (6)T25016Q8 3
Fayez Q82015/01/24 17:42:53.64
11h 42m 53s 64ms12.3537 m/s6 (7)T77513Jan L
Bakker – Zwartemeer2015/01/24 17:43:06.58
11h 43m 06s 58ms12.3499 m/s7 (8)T84877Catchmeifyoucan
Team Waldeck2015/01/24 17:43:08.24
11h 43m 08s 24ms12.3494 m/s8 (9)T08738Ali
Josef A Lang2015/01/24 18:00:14.25
12h 00m 14s 25ms12.0562 m/s9 (10)T66251Black Champ
Team Ruhr – Schink2015/01/24 18:03:29.08
12h 03m 29s 08ms12.0021 m/s10 (11)T97179Loretta
Jim Norton2015/01/24 18:12:58.95
12h 12m 58s 95ms11.8466 m/s11 (12)T69182Penny
Walsh – Peterson2015/01/24 18:39:59.19
12h 39m 59s 19ms11.4256 m/s12 (13)T58822Southern Speed
Comb vd Berg2015/01/24 18:40:26.94
12h 40m 26s 94ms11.4187 m/s13 (14)T21482Al-Juwaisri 1 ☆
Bader Al-Jwesr2015/01/24 18:49:33.35
12h 49m 33s 35ms11.2836 m/s14 (15)T31786Peterle
Jan Hooymans – Hu Zhen Yu2015/01/24 18:59:59.30
12h 59m 59s 30ms11.1326 m/s15 (16)T00360Golden Ring
Satam Al-Zufairi2015/01/24 19:08:45.75
13h 08m 45s 75ms11.0088 m/s16 (17)T53451Lady Rose
Andre Lazarus2015/01/24 19:09:04.90
13h 09m 04s 90ms11.0044 m/s
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About the author

Willie Reynolds

Covering the sport in Ireland for several years, scribe for both BHW & RP and a number of local newspapers including the News Letter (Farming Life Supplement) each Wednesday. Secretary of Ballymena & District for a number of years and currently PO for the Mighty NIPA & INFC. Watch out for the many articles/news items penned by HOMER.

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