Gibb & Byrne

All Posts by Willie Reynolds

RPRA – Race clock striking guidance

RACE CLOCK STRIKING GUIDANCE 27 May 2020 The RPRA has produced guidance on race clock striking, which you can download below. Please note the guidance currently relates solely to England, and is based on the principles

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Northern Ireland racing update –

N.I.P.A. Update Wednesday 27th May 2020. Posted on May 27, 2020 by trevor Latest information from the Northern Ireland Assembly on Wednesday 27th May 2020 is that legislation is now in place to permit pigeon racing within Northern Ireland. This legislation

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Training now permitted in NI – 21/05/2020

We are pleased to announce that training is now permitted in Northern Ireland, and racing is currently under consideration. This follows hard work and commitment from NIPA, Ulster Federation and East Down Combine, with support from

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RPRA Race Marking ENGLAND – 18/05/20


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RPRA Result Virtual Race (1) -18/04/2020

Just to let you know that the Virtual Race is starting to take shape. Please check out the NIPA site at Once clubs upload the result the Open result can be compiled. The Open result compiles

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No Training Yet re 2020 Season

Training Restrictions Posted on April 14, 2020 by fred As you will appreciate the decision taken to prohibit ALL training was taken in line with Government restrictions relating to non-essential travel and was therefore in reality

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RPRA report 2020 AGM

The President and Vice Presidents who were re-elected at the Meeting, with the Chief Executive: L-R: Vice President John Waters, CEO Ian Evans, President David Bridges, and Vice Presidents Gary Cockshott and Paul Hammond. RPRA-AGM-2020

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INFC Awards for 2019 –

Irish National Flying Club – Trophy and Award Winners 2019  King George V Challenge Cup Saint Allouestre Grand National old bird race winner – J. Murtagh & Son, Ballyholland HPS. Vel. 1145. Gilliland Cup Saint Allouestre

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INFC Skibbereen – Ring Marking Tuesday 1-5.00pm

Both the NIPA &INFC websites are experiencing problems so the INFC Secretary has asked me to post that racemarking will take place tomorrow Tuesday at Waterloo Road (for a possible release on Wednesday) between 1 &

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Kings Cup – Johnny Murtagh 1st Open INFC

Saint Allouestre King’s Cup Update Friday 23.45 – Posted on July 5, 2019 Saint Allouestre Grand National King’s Cup – Sponsored by Frazers Animal Feeds. Update Friday 5th July 2019 @ 23.45 Provisional top fifteen in

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St Malo 2019 –

The Premier NIPA Old Bird National was flown from St Malo in France over last weekend in what was the hottest time of the year, and especially in France where the heat was severe. Birds were

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INFC Yearling National – 1st Joey McLoughlin

The Yearling Nat for the INFC was delayed for several days due to severe weather conditions, race marking was in Lisburn last Friday and liberation in Sennen Cove on Sunday at 6.00am in a Lt South

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Fermoy (3) – Friday 07/06/19

NIPA Fermoy (3) Open 433/7978 – 1-1H D Booth Mourne & Dist 1813, 2-2H A Kelly Omagh 1791, 3-3H D Booth 1770, 4-4H D Booth 1765, 5-5H D McNulty 1756, 6-6H D Booth 1755, 7-7H D

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Fermoy 5 Bird Championship –

NIPA Race/Date Fermoy 5 Bird Championship Friday 07/06/18 – Lib 7.45am wind Lt North NE Coleraine Centre Fermoy 5 Bird Champ – A McDonnell Coleraine Prem 1694, J Hanson Coleraine Prem 1690, Bond & Diamond Coleraine

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Gowran Park (2) – Sunday 02/06/19

Fast Race from Gowran Park in Kilkenny – With Talbenny not used due to impossible weather the NIPA decided to have a short event in Ireland from Gowran Park, liberation was at 10.15am Sunday in a

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