INFC – Yearling Nat Result Update 19/06/13

The annual Yearling Nat was due to be flown on 12th June but was put back due to poor weather conditions, the race was flown one week later with an entry of 4,400 birds similar to recent seasons, competing for almost £35,000 in pools and prizes. This is always one of the top highlight of the old bird racing season, liberation on Wednesday 19th June was at 8.30am in a Light NW wind and helping conditions in Ireland. First reports indicate it was one of the very best races, flown on a fantastic day with 1,000 day birds recorded and all positions claimed. Joe Brown from Lurgan had a great race having four birds in the clock before 16.50hrs and the first one timed at 16.13hrs declared the overall winner doing velocity 1151 flying just over 300 miles. It’s always been a favourite race for Mr & Mrs McNeilly of Doagh & District, Brian and Elaine timed their first bird at 16.45hrs flying 324 miles to record velocity 1149 to take 2nd Open INFC.  Kevin Rooney Son & Daughter from Annalong had the first arrival in the East Down Combine, they timed at 15.40hrs and recorded velocity 1145 for the 279 miles for 3rd Open INFC. Owen Kirwan from Goery in Wexford won 1st South Sect on velocity 1137 to finish 4th Open INFC and Grattan Bros from Eastway were 5th Open on velocity 1134 with the first bird into East Antrim.

All club results placed on will be published in Homer’s Odyssey.

Provisional Top 10:-

1. Joe Brown Blackwatertown West End 1151.46

2. Mr & Mrs B McNeilly Doagh 1149

3. K Rooney & Son & Daughter Annalong 1145

4. O Kirwin Gorey 1137

5. Grattan Bros Eastway 1134

6. S Leonard & Son Arklow 1132

7. E Kennedy & Son Newtownkilpeddar 1129.6

8. Joe Brown Blackwatertown West End 1129.5

9. W & J Bollard Finglas 1126

10. N Grant & Son Balbriggan 1125.49



THE PIGEONS WERE LIBERATED AT 08:30am Wednesday 19th June

Update on Wednesday 19th June 2013 at 23.30

1. Joe Brown Blackwatertown West End 1151.46
2. Mr & Mrs B McNeilly Doagh 1149
3. K Rooney & Son & Daughter Annalong 1145
4. O Kirwin Gorey 1137
5. Grattan Bros Eastway 1134
6. S Leonard & Son Arklow 1132
7. E Kennedy & Son Newtownkilpeddar 1129.6
8. Joe Brown Blackwatertown West End 1129.5
9. W & J Bollard Finglas 1126
10. N Grant & Son Balbriggan 1125.49

Approx 1000 day birds recorded all positions have been claimed.

Please call back for updates.

East Antrim Combined  Sennen Cove Ylr Nat –Mr & Mrs B McNeilly Doagh & Dist 1149, Grattan Bros Eastway 1134, Mr & Mrs B McNeilly 1125, G K & I Moxham Larne & Dist 1117, Connor Bros Kingsmoss 1102, A Thompson Ballyclare 1098, S & A Leitch Doagh & Dist 1096, R Duddy Ballyclare 1093, A Gault Ballyclare 1071, C & L Woodside Ballyclare 1070, A Thompson 1070, W Gault & Son Kingsmoss 1070, S & A Leitch 1045, A Gault 1037, R Duddy 1020, A Thompson 1019, A Thompson 1017, A Thompson 1016, A & N Lewis Doagh & Dist 1015, R Duddy 1015, A Thompson 1011, Mr & Mrs B McNeilly 1007, R Duddy 1000, D & J Campbell & Bigger Eastway 996, D & J Campbell & Bigger 994, B & M Gilmore Ballyclare 988, A Gault 981, R Duddy 973, D & R Turkington Doagh & Dist 971, A Thompson 967, J & R Blair Ballyclare 965, Arthurs & George Ballycarry & Dist 954.

Mid Antrim Combine Sennen Cove Ylr Nat – J Millar & Son Harryville 1124, A Darragh Cullybackey 1076, D Dixon Rasharkin 1075, G & A Eagleson Ballymena 1074, Reid Bros & McCloy Cullybackey 1073, M Graham Ballymena 1073, Mr & Mrs Robinson Ahoghill 1070, A & N Young Ahoghill 1069, Mr & Mrs Robinson 1068, J Rock Harryville 1065, A Darragh 1047, D Houston & Son Broughshane 1028, M Graham 1026, McFarlane & Agnew Kells 1017, J Smyth & Son Ahoghill 1015, A Darragh 1012, A Darragh 1005, A Barkley & Son Kells 1004, A Darragh 1004, S McKendry Cullybackey 1002, Blair & Rankin Ballymena 999, Reid Bros & McCloy 993, A Darragh 991, A Darragh 987, Mr & Mrs Robinson 972, H & R McCloy Cullybackey 967, J & J Greer Cullybackey 960, J Millar & Son 953.

IRISH NATIONAL FLYING CLUB SENNEN COVE YEARLING NATIONAL 2013 SPONSORED BY BUCKTONS QUALITY RACING PIGEON FOOD 800 Members entered 4474 pigeons. North section 475 members entered 2771 pigeons. South section 323 members entered 1649 pigeons. Liberated Wednesday 19th June 2013 at 8.30 wind light north / west. Total pools and prize-money
£ 34852.42 

Click Here for full result    Sennen-Cove-Y-N-2013

Joe Brown Blaxkwatertown WE, winner of 1st North Sect & 1st Open INFC Yearling Nat Sennen Cove.

Joe Brown Blackwatertown WE, winner of 1st North Sect & 1st Open INFC Yearling Nat Sennen Cove.

← KINGS Cup - Ron Williamson 1st INFC Skibbereen OB Nat by Brendan McLoughlin →

About the author

Willie Reynolds

Covering the sport in Ireland for several years, scribe for both BHW & RP and a number of local newspapers including the News Letter (Farming Life Supplement) each Wednesday. Secretary of Ballymena & District for a number of years and currently PO for the Mighty NIPA & INFC. Watch out for the many articles/news items penned by HOMER.

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